
For my personal configurations


For my personal configurations

Set up steps:

  1. Clone the repo into the user directory where the configuration needs to be applied:
git clone git@github.com:Wei-LiangChew/dotfiles.git

Note: might need to set up git SSH keys or other form of login in order to clone.

  1. Apply the configuration files:
ln -s dotfiles/.myvimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s dotfiles/.gitignore_global ~/.gitignore_global
ln -s dotfiles/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf

cp dotfiles/.gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
# hard copy required to allow git to work in the `dotfiles` directory

In the case of the .gitconfig file, you might have to delete any existing one. Compare before doing so to make sure you don't delete anything by mistake. In the case of the .vimrc file, it's using vim-plug as a plugin manager. This needs to be installed, which requires some lines in .myvimrc to be uncommented temporarily.