Application Description

Suppose we could access yesterday’s stock prices as a list, where:

  • The indices are the time in minutes past trade opening time, which was 10:00am local time.
  • The values are the price in dollars of the Latitude Financial stock at that time.
  • So if the stock cost $5 at 11:00am, stock_prices_yesterday[60] = 5.
  • You must buy before you sell. You may not buy and sell in the same time step (at least 1 minute must pass).

For example:

Given stock price as below

[3, 20, 19.15, 18, 25.23, 13, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6]

The application will give the below detail trade transaction that demonstrates how did you make the maximum profit by buy & sell.

  • The max profit price was $22.23 per share.

  • Trade Transaction: Bought the stock at 10:00 with price $3 and sold the stock at 10:04 with price $25.23 .

Getting Started

Application Setup

Running on local (develop mode, Review code by IDE intellij or VSCode IDE )

  • Clone repository from GitHub
git clone
  • Check local Java version in terminal, make sure java version is 11, otherwise set JAVA_HOME to JAVA 11.
java -version
  • Build the project
cd stock-trade-service
./mvnw clean package
  • Run unit tests
./mvnw -Dtest=StockPriceProfitCalculatorTests test
  • Run the app
java -jar target/stock-trade-service-1.0.jar

There are 5 scenarios demonstrated the use cases in terminal


Running application in Docker

  • Login jfrog as guest
docker login
  • enter username and password as below




  • run docker image
docker run
  • docker logout
docker logout