Welcome to ZhouWei's personal webpage

Warmly, you can contact me by my personal E-mail:zhouw19@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn to disscuss something about everything.

Whenever you have some questions about my script, please go to my Wei-V-Zhou Github to rebuld the programe in bioinformatic analysis.

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Wei-V-Zhou Github

Personal Introduction

I am ZhouWei,

I am from Chongqing,

I am going to the an unknown universe.

Hobby Food Exercise
Write Tomato Football
Music Rice Run

R script style

Simple usages for R

  • inputdata read.table/csv/...("filename", header = T, ...)

  • outputdata save(objectives, file="...")

  • basic languages

  1. BiocManager::install("packages")
  2. library("packages")
  3. notice the word
  4. find the importance

To be, or not to be.

It all denpends up to you.