
Game Description: a First-Person Shooter game which you can use your weapon to shoot and kill zombies ambushed in the woods.

MIT LicenseMIT


PRs Welcome License: MIT

Game Description: a First-Person Shooter game which you can use your weapons (AK47 or M4A1) to shoot and kill zombies ambushed in the woods. This game is a personal project and is based on the Unreal Engine 4.26


Unreal Engine 4.26

Game logic and functionality

  • Game interface

    • Player's HP and Armor: on the bottem left corner

    • The minimap (radar): on the top left corner to let you get information about your current location and zombies' location

    • The message panel: at the bottem of the minimap, which shows status of your current object (e.g. Kill all zombies)

    • The Timer: on top of the minimap (radar)

    • A gun (AK-47): is always your first equipped gun, and the icon is shown on the bottem right corner

    • Ammo Count: on bottem right corner

    • A shooting sight is always in the center of the screen

    • Player models

    • There are two types of player models:

      • Policeman: a SWAT model
      • Zombie: a mutant policeman-like zombie
    • Animations:

      • Walk towards four different directions
      • Sprint towards four different directions
      • Jump without affecting upper part body
      • Shoot without affecting lower part body
        • This makes the player walk or run more naturally. It uses interpolation function to map different combinations of user input to different animations.
    • State Machine

      • There are multiple layers in the player state machine.
  • Gun model

    • AK47 and M4A1
    • Shooting animation are added



MIT License