This exercise will require you to pull some data from the Qunadl API. Qaundl is currently the most widely used aggregator of financial market data.we will focus on equities data from the Frankfurt Stock Exhange (FSE), which is available for free. We'll try and analyze the stock prices of a company called Carl Zeiss Meditec.
These are your tasks for this mini project: Collect data from the Franfurt Stock Exchange, for the ticker AFX_X, for the whole year 2017 (keep in mind that the date format is YYYY-MM-DD). Convert the returned JSON object into a Python dictionary. Calculate what the highest and lowest opening prices were for the stock in this period. What was the largest change in any one day (based on High and Low price)? What was the largest change between any two days (based on Closing Price)? What was the average daily trading volume during this year? (Optional) What was the median trading volume during this year. (Note: you may need to implement your own function for calculating the median.)