
Pili Streaming Cloud server-side library for NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Pili Streaming Cloud server-side library for NodeJS


  • Stream Create, Get, List
    • hub.createStream()
    • hub.getStream()
    • hub.listStreams()
  • Stream operations else
    • stream.toJSONString()
    • stream.update()
    • stream.disable()
    • stream.enable()
    • stream.status()
    • stream.rtmpPublishUrl()
    • stream.rtmpLiveUrls()
    • stream.hlsLiveUrls()
    • stream.httpFlvLiveUrls()
    • stream.segments()
    • stream.hlsPlaybackUrls()
    • stream.saveAs()
    • stream.snapshot()
    • stream.delete()



// install latest version
npm install pili --save



var Pili = require('pili');

var ACCESS_KEY  = 'QiniuAccessKey';
var SECRET_KEY  = 'QiniuSecretKey';

var HUB = 'PiliHubName'; // The Hub must be exists before use

// Change API host as necessary
// pili.qiniuapi.com as default
// pili-lte.qiniuapi.com is the latest RC version
// Pili.config.API_HOST = 'pili.qiniuapi.com'; // default


Instantiate a Pili Hub object

var credentials = new Pili.Credentials(ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY);
var hub = new Pili.Hub(credentials, HUB);

Create a new Stream

var options = {
  title          : null,    // optional, auto-generated as default
  publishKey     : null,    // optional, auto-generated as default
  publishSecrity : "static" // optional, can be "dynamic" or "static", "dynamic" as default

hub.createStream(options, function(err, stream) {
  if (!err) {
    // Log stream
    // {
    //     "id":"z1.coding.35d7zfabe3bv5723280200c5",
    //     "createdAt":"2015-08-22T03:43:55.247Z",
    //     "updatedAt":"2015-08-22T03:43:55.247Z",
    //     "title":"35d7zfabe3bv5723280200c5",
    //     "hub":"coding",
    //     "publishKey":"f054e65199703b14",
    //     "publishSecurity":"static",
    //     "disabled":false,
    //     "profiles":null,
    //     "hosts":
    //     {
    //         "publish":
    //         {
    //             "rtmp":"scv02k.publish.z1.pili.qiniup.com"
    //         },
    //         "live":
    //         {
    //             "http":"scv02k.live1-http.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
    //             "rtmp":"scv02k.live1-rtmp.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
    //         },
    //         "playback":
    //         {
    //             "http":"scv02k.playback1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
    //         }
    //     }
    // }
  } else {
    // Log error
    console.log(err + 'error code: ' + err.errorCode + 'http code: ' err.httpCode);

Get a Stream

var streamId = 'z1.coding.35d7zfabe3bv5723280200c5';  // required
hub.getStream(streamId, function(err, stream) {
    if (!err) {
        // Log stream
        // {
        //     "id":"z1.coding.35d7zfabe3bv5723280200c5",
        //     "createdAt":"2015-08-22T03:43:55.247Z",
        //     "updatedAt":"2015-08-22T03:43:55.247Z",
        //     "title":"35d7zfabe3bv5723280200c5",
        //     "hub":"coding",
        //     "publishKey":"f054e65199703b14",
        //     "publishSecurity":"static",
        //     "disabled":false,
        //     "profiles":null,
        //     "hosts":
        //     {
        //         "publish":
        //         {
        //             "rtmp":"scv02k.publish.z1.pili.qiniup.com"
        //         },
        //         "live":
        //         {
        //             "http":"scv02k.live1-http.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
        //             "rtmp":"scv02k.live1-rtmp.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
        //         },
        //         "playback":
        //         {
        //             "http":"scv02k.playback1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
        //         }
        //     }
        // }

List Stream

var options = {
    marker : null,    // optional
    limit  : null,    // optional
    title  : null     // optional

hub.listStreams(options, function(err, marker, streams) {
  streams.forEach(function(stream) {
    // Log stream
    // {
    //     "id":"z1.coding.35d7zfabe3bv5723280200c5",
    //     "createdAt":"2015-08-22T03:43:55.247Z",
    //     "updatedAt":"2015-08-22T03:43:55.247Z",
    //     "title":"35d7zfabe3bv5723280200c5",
    //     "hub":"coding",
    //     "publishKey":"f054e65199703b14",
    //     "publishSecurity":"dynamic",
    //     "disabled":false,
    //     "profiles":null,
    //     "hosts":
    //     {
    //         "publish":
    //         {
    //             "rtmp":"scv02k.publish.z1.pili.qiniup.com"
    //         },
    //         "live":
    //         {
    //             "http":"scv02k.live1-http.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
    //             "rtmp":"scv02k.live1-rtmp.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
    //         },
    //         "playback":
    //         {
    //             "http":"scv02k.playback1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
    //         }
    //     }
    // }


To JSON String

var result = stream.toJSONString();
// {"id":"z1.coding.55d7f30ce3ba5723280000c5","createdAt":"2015-08-22T03:57:00.064Z","updatedAt":"2015-08-22T03:57:00.064Z","title":"55d7f30ce3ba5723280000c5","hub":"coding","publishKey":"131be2572c682413","publishSecurity":"dynamic","disabled":false,"profiles":null,"hosts":{"publish":{"rtmp":"scv02k.publish.z1.pili.qiniup.com"},"live":{"http":"scv02k.live1-http.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com","rtmp":"scv02k.live1-rtmp.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"},"playback":{"http":"scv02k.playback1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"}}}

Update a Stream

var options = {
  publishKey     : 'new_secret_words',  // optional
  publishSecrity : 'static',            // optional, can be "dynamic" or "static"
  disabled       : false                // optional, can be "true" of "false"

stream.update(options, function(err, stream) {
    // Log stream
    // {
    //     "id":"z1.coding.35d7zfabe3bv5723280200c5",
    //     "createdAt":"2015-08-22T03:43:55.247Z",
    //     "updatedAt":"2015-08-22T03:43:55.247Z",
    //     "title":"35d7zfabe3bv5723280200c5",
    //     "hub":"coding",
    //     "publishKey":"new_secret_words",
    //     "publishSecurity":"static",
    //     "disabled":false,
    //     "profiles":null,
    //     "hosts":
    //     {
    //         "publish":
    //         {
    //             "rtmp":"scv02k.publish.z1.pili.qiniup.com"
    //         },
    //         "live":
    //         {
    //             "http":"scv02k.live1-http.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
    //             "rtmp":"scv02k.live1-rtmp.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
    //         },
    //         "playback":
    //         {
    //             "http":"scv02k.playback1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
    //         }
    //     }
    // }

Disable a Stream

stream.disable(function(err, stream) {
	// true

Enable a Stream

stream.enable(function(err, stream) {
	// false

Get Stream status

stream.status(function(err, status) {
    if (!err) {
        // Log stream status
        // {
        //     "addr": "",
        //     "startFrom": "2015-09-10T05:58:10.289+08:00",
        //     "status": "connected",
        //		 "bytesPerSecond": 16870.200000000001,
        //		 "framesPerSecond": {
        //		 		"audio": 42.200000000000003,
        //				"video": 14.733333333333333,
        //				"data": 0.066666666666666666
        //		 }
        // }

Generate RTMP publish URL

var publishUrl = stream.rtmpPublishUrl();
// rtmp://scv02k.publish.z1.pili.qiniup.com/coding/55d7f934e3ba5723280000cb?key=new_secret_words

Generate RTMP live play URLs

var urls = stream.rtmpLiveUrls();
// {
//     'ORIGIN': 'rtmp://scv02k.live1-rtmp.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com/coding/55d7f934e3ba5723280000cb'
// }

Generate HLS live play URLs

var urls = stream.hlsLiveUrls();
// {
//     'ORIGIN': 'http://scv02k.live1-http.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com/coding/55d7f934e3ba5723280000cb.m3u8'
// }

Generate Http-Flv live play URLs

var urls = stream.httpFlvLiveUrls();
// {
//     'ORIGIN': 'http://scv02k.live1-http.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com/coding/55d7f934e3ba5723280000cb.flv'
// }

Get Stream segments

var options = {
   startTime : null,	// optional, in second, unix timestamp
   endTime   : null,	// optional, in second, unix timestamp
   limit     : null	// optional

stream.segments(options, function(err, segments) {
   if (!err) {
	   // Log stream segments
	   // [
	   //     {
	   //         "start": 1440196065,
	   //         "end": 1440196124
	   //     },
	   //     {
	   //         "start": 1440198072,
	   //         "end": 1440198092
	   //     },
	   //     ...
	   // ]

Generate HLS playback URLs

var start = 1440196065; // required, in second, unix timestamp
var end   = 1440196105; // required, in second, unix timestamp

var urls = stream.hlsPlaybackUrls(start, end);
// {
//     ORIGIN: 'http://scv02k.playback1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com/coding/55d7fa0ee3ba5723280000cc.m3u8?start=1440196065&end=1440196105'
// }

Save Stream as a file

var name   = 'videoName.mp4';	// required
var start  = 1440196065;	// required, in second, unix timestamp
var end    = 1440196105;	// required, in second, unix timestamp
var format = 'mp4';		// optional

var options = {
	notifyUrl : null,	// optional
    pipeline : null     // optional

stream.saveAs(name, format, start, end, options, function(err, responseData) {
	// Log responseData
	// {
	//     "url": "http://scv02k.media1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com/recordings/z1.coding.55d7faf0e3ba5723280000cd/videoName.m3u8",
	//     "targetUrl": "http://scv02k.vod1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com/recordings/z1.coding.55d7faf0e3ba5723280000cd/videoName.mp4",
	//     "persistentId": "z1.55d7a6e77823de5a49a8899b"
	// }

While invoking saveAs() and snapshot(), you can get processing state via Qiniu FOP Service using persistentId.
API: curl -D GET http://api.qiniu.com/status/get/prefop?id={PersistentId}
Doc reference: http://developer.qiniu.com/docs/v6/api/overview/fop/persistent-fop.html#pfop-status

Snapshot Stream

var name   = 'imageName.jpg';	// required
var format = 'jpg';		// required

var options = {
	time		: 1440196100,	// optional, default as now, in second, unix timestamp
	notifyUrl	: null		// optional

stream.snapshot(name, format, options, function(err, responseData) {
	// Log responseData
	// {
	// 	"targetUrl": "http://scv02k.static1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com/snapshots/z1.coding.55d7faf0e3ba5723280000cd/imageName.jpg",
	// 	"persistentId": "z1.55d7a6e77823de5a49a8899a"
	// }

Delete a Stream

hub.deleteStream(streamId, function(err, data) {
    // null


  • 1.5.4
    • Add pipeline in saveAs
  • 1.5.3
    • Use saveAs in hlsPlaybackUrls, need async function
  • 1.5.2
    • Update Stream's hosts
    • Add startFrom in Stream status
  • 1.5.0
    • Rename Client to Hub
    • Add Credentials
  • 1.4.0
    • Update stream struct
    • Add stream.snapshot()
    • Add stream.enable()
    • Add stream.disable()
    • Add stream.httpFlvLiveUrls()
    • Update stream.status()
    • Update stream.toJSONString()
    • Update stream.segments()
    • Update hub.listStreams()
  • 1.2.1
    • Add stream saveas function
  • 1.2.0
    • Update Stream object
    • Add new Stream functions
    • Update Client functions
  • 1.0.7
    • Fix import bug
  • 1.0.6
    • Fix GET request query method
    • Add more defensive code to improve robustness
  • 1.0.5
    • Fix dynamic RTMP publish URL nonce generate bug
  • 1.0.4
    • Add server error handle
    • Fix merge bugs
  • 1.0.2
    • Update client create function
    • Update optional params
    • Add disabled field in Stream
    • Add getStreamStatus function in Client
  • 1.0.1
    • Update Stream publish and play url generate functions
  • 1.0.0
    • Init sdk
    • Add Stream API
    • Add publish and play policy