
Pili Streaming Cloud server-side library for PHP

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Pili Streaming Cloud server-side library for PHP


  • Stream Create,Get,List
    • $hub->createStream()
    • $hub->getStream()
    • $hub->listStreams()
  • Stream operations else
    • stream->toJSONString()
    • stream->update()
    • stream->disable()
    • stream->enable()
    • stream->status()
    • stream->rtmpPublishUrl()
    • stream->rtmpLiveUrls()
    • stream->hlsLiveUrls()
    • stream->httpFlvLiveUrls()
    • stream->segments()
    • stream->hlsPlaybackUrls()
    • stream->snapshot()
    • stream->saveAs()
    • stream->delete()




  • PHP >= 5.3.0

Install with Composer

If you're using Composer to manage dependencies, you can add pili-sdk-php with it.

# Install Composer
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

You can add Pili as a dependency using the composer.phar CLI:

php composer.phar require pili-engineering/pili-sdk-php:dev-master

Alternatively, you can specify pili-sdk-php as a dependency in your project's existing composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "pili-engineering/pili-sdk-php": "dev-master"

After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

You can find out more on how to install Composer, configure autoloading, and other best-practices for defining dependencies at http://getcomposer.org.

Install source from GitHub

The pili-sdk-php requires PHP v5.3+. Download the PHP library from Github, and require in your script like so:

To install the source code:

$ git clone https://github.com/pili-engineering/pili-sdk-php.git

And include it in your scripts:

require_once '/path/to/pili-sdk-php/lib/Pili.php';

Install source from zip/tarball

Alternatively, you can fetch a tarball or zipball:

$ curl -L https://github.com/pili-engineering/pili-sdk-php/tarball/master | tar xzv


$ wget https://github.com/pili-engineering/pili-sdk-php/tarball/master -O - | tar xzv

And include it in your scripts:

require_once '/path/to/pili-sdk-php/lib/Pili.php';



// Replace with your keys here
define('ACCESS_KEY', 'Qiniu_AccessKey');
define('SECRET_KEY', 'Qiniu_SecretKey');

// Replace with your hub name
define('HUB', 'Pili_Hub_Name'); // The Hub must be exists before use

// Change API host as necessary
// pili.qiniuapi.com as default
// pili-lte.qiniuapi.com is the latest RC version
// $cfg = \Pili\Config::getInstance();
// $cfg->API_HOST = 'pili.qiniuapi.com'; // default


Instantiate a Pili Hub object

// Instantiate an Hub object
$credentials = new \Qiniu\Credentials(ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY); #=> Credentials Object
$hub = new \Pili\Hub($credentials, HUB); # => Hub Object

Create a new Stream

try {

    $title           = NULL;     // optional, auto-generated as default
    $publishKey      = NULL;     // optional, auto-generated as default
    $publishSecurity = NULL;     // optional, can be "dynamic" or "static", "dynamic" as default

    $stream = $hub->createStream($title, $publishKey, $publishSecurity); # => Stream Object

    echo "createStream() =>\n";
    echo "\n\n";

} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'createStream() failed. Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
   '_data' =>
  array (
    'id' => 'z1.coding.55d7a219e3ba5723280000b5',
    'createdAt' => '2015-08-21T18:11:37.057-04:00',
    'updatedAt' => '2015-08-21T18:32:05.186076957-04:00',
    'title' => '55d7a219e3ba5723280000b5',
    'hub' => 'coding',
    'disabled' => false,
    'hosts' =>
    array (
      'publish' =>
      array (
        'rtmp' => 'pili-publish.example.com',
      'live' =>
      array (
        'rtmp' => 'pili-live-rtmp.example.com',
        'hls' => 'pili-live-hls.example.com',
        'hdl' => 'pili-live-hdl.example.com',
      'playback' =>
      array (
        'hls' => 'pili-playback.example.com',

Get a Stream

try {

    $streamId = $stream->id;

    $stream = $hub->getStream($streamId); # => Stream Object

    echo "getStream() =>\n";
    echo "\n\n";

} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "getStream() failed. Caught exception: ",  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
   '_data' =>
  array (
    'id' => 'z1.coding.55d7a219e3ba5723280000b5',
    'createdAt' => '2015-08-21T18:11:37.057-04:00',
    'updatedAt' => '2015-08-21T18:32:05.186076957-04:00',
    'title' => '55d7a219e3ba5723280000b5',
    'hub' => 'coding',
    'disabled' => false,
    'hosts' =>
    array (
      'publish' =>
      array (
        'rtmp' => 'pili-publish.example.com',
      'live' =>
      array (
        'rtmp' => 'pili-live-rtmp.example.com',
        'hls' => 'pili-live-hls.example.com',
        'hdl' => 'pili-live-hdl.example.com',
      'playback' =>
      array (
        'hls' => 'pili-playback.example.com',

List Streams

try {

    $marker       = NULL;      // optional
    $limit        = NULL;      // optional
    $title_prefix = NULL;      // optional
    $status       = NULL;      // optional, "connected" only

    $result = $hub->listStreams($marker, $limit, $title_prefix, $status); # => Array

    echo "listStreams() =>\n";
    echo "\n\n";

} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "listStreams() failed. Caught exception: ",  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
array (
  'marker' => '2',
  'end' => true,
  'items' =>
  array (
      0 => Stream Object,
      1 => Stream Object,


To JSON string

$result = $stream->toJSONString(); # => string
echo "Stream toJSONString() =>\n";
echo "\n\n";

Update a Stream

try {

    $stream->publishKey      = 'new_secret_words'; // optional
    $stream->publishSecurity = 'static';           // optional, can be "dynamic" or "static"
    $stream->disabled        = NULL;               // optional, can be "true" of "false"

    $stream = $stream->update(); # => Stream Object

    echo "Stream update() =>\n";
    echo "\n\n";

} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Stream update() failed. Caught exception: ",  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
   '_data' =>
  array (
    'id' => 'z1.coding.55d7a219e3ba5723280000b5',
    'createdAt' => '2015-08-21T18:11:37.057-04:00',
    'updatedAt' => '2015-08-21T18:32:05.186076957-04:00',
    'title' => '55d7a219e3ba5723280000b5',
    'hub' => 'coding',
    'disabled' => false,
    'publishKey' => 'new_secret_words',
    'publishSecurity' => 'static',
    'hosts' =>
    array (
      'publish' =>
      array (
        'rtmp' => 'pili-publish.example.com',
      'live' =>
      array (
        'rtmp' => 'pili-live-rtmp.example.com',
        'hls' => 'pili-live-hls.example.com',
        'hdl' => 'pili-live-hdl.example.com',
      'playback' =>
      array (
        'hls' => 'pili-playback.example.com',

Disable a Stream

$disabledTill = time() + 10; # disabled in 10s from now
$result = $stream->disable($disabledTill); # => NULL
echo "Stream disable() =>\n";
echo "\n\n";

Enable a Stream

$result = $stream->enable(); # => NULL
echo "Stream enable() =>\n";
echo "\n\n";

Get Stream status

try {

    $result = $stream->status(); # => Array

    echo "Stream status() =>\n";
    echo "\n\n";

} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Stream status() failed. Caught exception: ",  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
array (
  "reqId" => "YmMxOTcuAAASDc1n",
  "hub" => "coding",
  "stream" => "2b20838cdb214448b7c7eef46abf1a0a",
  "startFrom" => "2015-12-03T12:24:30.226Z",
  'addr' => '',
  'status' => 'connected',
  'bytesPerSecond' => 16870.200000000001,
  'framesPerSecond' =>
  array (
    'audio' => 42.200000000000003,
    'video' => 14.733333333333333,
    'data' => 0.066666666666666666,

Generate RTMP publish URL

$publishUrl = $stream->rtmpPublishUrl();
echo "Stream rtmpPublishUrl() =>\n";
echo $publishUrl;
echo "\n\n";

Generate RTMP live play URLs

$urls = $stream->rtmpLiveUrls();
echo "Stream rtmpLiveUrls() =>\n";
echo "\n\n";
array (
  'ORIGIN' => 'rtmp://pili-live-rtmp.example.com/coding/55d7a219e3ba5723280000b5',

Generate HLS play live URLs

$urls = $stream->hlsLiveUrls();
echo "Stream hlsLiveUrls() =>\n";
echo "\n\n";
array (
  'ORIGIN' => 'http://pili-live-hls.example.com/coding/55d7a219e3ba5723280000b5.m3u8',

Generate Http-Flv live play URLs

$urls = $stream->httpFlvLiveUrls();
echo "Stream httpFlvLiveUrls() =>\n";
echo "\n\n";
array (
  'ORIGIN' => 'http://pili-live-hdl.example.com/coding/55d7a219e3ba5723280000b5.flv',

Get Stream segments

try {

    $start = NULL;    // optional, in second, unix timestamp
    $end   = NULL;    // optional, in second, unix timestamp
    $limit = NULL;    // optional, uint

    $result = $stream->segments($start, $end, $limit); # => Array

    echo "Stream segments() =>\n";
    echo "\n\n";

} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Stream segments() failed. Caught exception: ",  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
array (
  'start' => 1440196065,
  'end' => 1440198092,
  'segments' =>
  array (
    0 =>
    array (
      'start' => 1440196065,
      'end' => 1440196124,
    1 =>
    array (
      'start' => 1440198072,
      'end' => 1440198092,

Generate HLS playback URLs

$start     = 1440196065;  // optional, in second, unix timestamp
$end       = 1440196105;  // optional, in second, unix timestamp

$urls = $stream->hlsPlaybackUrls($start, $end);
echo "Stream hlsPlaybackUrls() =>\n";
echo "\n\n";
array (
  'ORIGIN' => 'http://pili-playback.example.com/coding/55d7a219e3ba5723280000b5.m3u8?start=-1&end=-1',

Save Stream as a file

try {

    $name      = 'videoName.mp4'; // required
    $format    = NULL;            // optional
    $start     = -1;              // optional, in second, unix timestamp
    $end       = -1;              // optional, in second, unix timestamp
    $notifyUrl = NULL;            // optional
    $pipeline  = NULL;            // optional

    $result = $stream->saveAs($name, $format, $start, $end, $notifyUrl, $pipeline); # => Array

    echo "Stream saveAs() =>\n";
    echo "\n\n";

} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Stream saveAs() failed. Caught exception: ",  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
array (
  'url' => 'http://pili-media.example.com/recordings/z1.coding.55d7a219e3ba5723280000b5/videoName.m3u8',
  'targetUrl' => 'http://pili-vod.example.com/recordings/z1.coding.55d7a219e3ba5723280000b5/videoName.mp4',
  'persistentId' => 'z1.55d7a6e77823de5a49a8899b',

While invoking saveAs() and snapshot(), you can get processing state via Qiniu FOP Service using persistentId.
API: curl -D GET http://api.qiniu.com/status/get/prefop?id={PersistentId}
Doc reference: http://developer.qiniu.com/docs/v6/api/overview/fop/persistent-fop.html#pfop-status

Snapshot Stream

try {

    $name      = 'imageName.jpg'; // required
    $format    = 'jpg';           // required
    $time      = NULL;            // optional, in second, unix timestamp
    $notifyUrl = NULL;            // optional
    $pipeline  = NULL;            // optional

    $result = $stream->snapshot($name, $format, $time, $notifyUrl, $pipeline); # => Array

    echo "Stream snapshot() =>\n";
    echo "\n\n";

} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Stream snapshot() failed. Caught exception: ",  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
array (
  'targetUrl' => 'http://pili-static.example.com/snapshots/z1.coding.55d7a219e3ba5723280000b5/imageName.jpg',
  'persistentId' => 'z1.55d7a6e77823de5a49a8899a',

Delete a Stream

try {
    $result = $stream->delete(); # => NULL
    echo "Stream delete() =>\n";
    echo "\n\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Stream delete() failed. Caught exception: ",  $e->getMessage(), "\n";


  • 1.5.4

    • Use $stream->saveAs in $stream->hlsPlaybackUrls
  • 1.5.3

    • Update $stream->disable($disabledTill)
  • 1.5.2

    • Update $stream->rtmpPublishUrl()
  • 1.5.1

    • Update API
      • $hub->listStreams($marker=NULL, $limit=NULL, $title_prefix=NULL, $status=NULL)
      • $stream->saveAs($name, $format=NULL, $start=NULL, $end=NULL, $notifyUrl=NULL, $pipeline=NULL)
      • $stream->snapshot($name, $format, $time=NULL, $notifyUrl=NULL, $pipeline=NULL)
      • $stream->hlsPlaybackUrls($start=-1, $end=-1)
  • 1.5.0

    • Add Credentials and Transport class
    • Renamed $client to $hub
  • 1.4.0

    • Add Stream Create,Get,List
      • $hub->createStream()
      • $hub->getStream()
      • $hub->listStreams()
    • Add Stream operations else
      • $stream->toJSONString()
      • $stream->update()
      • $stream->disable()
      • $stream->enable()
      • $stream->status()
      • $stream->segments()
      • $stream->rtmpPublishUrl()
      • $stream->rtmpLiveUrls()
      • $stream->hlsLiveUrls()
      • $stream->httpFlvLiveUrls()
      • $stream->hlsPlaybackUrls()
      • $stream->snapshot()
      • $stream->saveAs()
      • $stream->delete()