
Pili Streaming Cloud server-side library for Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Pili Streaming Cloud server-side library for Ruby


  • Stream Create,Get,List
    • hub.create_stream()
    • hub.get_stream()
    • hub.list_streams()
  • Stream operations else
    • stream.to_json()
    • stream.update()
    • stream.disable()
    • stream.enable()
    • stream.status()
    • stream.rtmp_publish_url()
    • stream.rtmp_live_urls()
    • stream.hls_live_urls()
    • stream.http_flv_live_urls()
    • stream.segments()
    • stream.hls_playback_urls()
    • stream.save_as()
    • stream.snapshot()
    • stream.delete()



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pili'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pili



require 'pili'

ACCESS_KEY  = 'Qiniu_AccessKey'
SECRETE_KEY = 'Qiniu_SecretKey'

HUB_NAME    = 'Pili_Hub_Name' # The Hub must be exists before use

# Change API host as necessary
# pili.qiniuapi.com as default
# pili-lte.qiniuapi.com is the latest RC version
# Pili::Config.init api_host: 'pili.qiniuapi.com' # default


Instantiate a Pili Hub object

credentials = Pili::Credentials.new(ACCESS_KEY, SECRETE_KEY)
hub = Pili::Hub.new(credentials, HUB_NAME)
puts "Hub initialize =>\n#{hub.inspect}\n\n"

Create a new Stream

  title            = nil # optional, auto-generated as default
  publish_key      = nil # optional, auto-generated as default
  publish_security = nil # optional, can be "dynamic" or "static", "dynamic" as default

  # stream = hub.create_stream()
  # or
  stream = hub.create_stream(title: title, publish_key: publish_key, publish_security: publish_security)

  puts "Hub create_stream() =>\n#{stream.inspect}\n\n"
rescue Exception => e
  puts "Hub create_stream() failed. Caught exception:\n#{e.http_body}\n\n"

#  @credentials=#<Pili::Credentials:0x007fdf939392c8 @access_key="0QxleRjH-IGYystrYdeY5w6KdkSdJVa5SaBUbJkY", @secret_key="Vg3u2240H6JL78sfjsgLohGLjk_jO5e0cdief0g3">,
#  @id="z1.hub1.55d886b5e3ba571322003121",
#  @title="55d886b5e3ba571322003121",
#  @hub="hub1",
#  @publish_key="0e18061751841053",
#  @publish_security="dynamic",
#  @disabled=false,
#  @hosts={
#    "publish"=>{
#      "rtmp"=>"eksg7h.publish.z1.pili.qiniup.com"
#    },
#    "live"=>{
#      "hdl"=>"eksg7h.live1-hdl.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
#      "hls"=>"eksg7h.live1-hls.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
#      "rtmp"=>"eksg7h.live1-rtmp.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
#    },
#    "playback"=>{
#      "hls"=>"eksg7h.playback1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
#    }
#  },
#  @created_at="2015-08-22T14:27:01.62Z",
#  @updated_at="2015-08-22T14:27:01.62Z"

Get a Stream

  stream = hub.get_stream(stream.id)
  puts "Hub get_stream() =>\n#{stream.inspect}\n\n"
rescue Exception => e
  puts "Hub get_stream() failed. Caught exception:\n#{e.http_body}\n\n"

#  @credentials=#<Pili::Credentials:0x007fdf939c2238 @access_key="0QxleRjH-IGYystrYdeY5w6KdkSdJVa5SaBUbJkY", @secret_key="Vg3u2240H6JL78sfjsgLohGLjk_jO5e0cdief0g3">,
#  @id="z1.hub1.55d886b5e3ba571322003121",
#  @title="55d886b5e3ba571322003121",
#  @hub="hub1",
#  @publish_key="0e18061751841053",
#  @publish_security="dynamic",
#  @disabled=false,
#  @hosts={
#    "publish"=>{
#      "rtmp"=>"eksg7h.publish.z1.pili.qiniup.com"
#    },
#    "live"=>{
#      "hdl"=>"eksg7h.live1-hdl.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
#      "hls"=>"eksg7h.live1-hls.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
#      "rtmp"=>"eksg7h.live1-rtmp.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
#    },
#    "playback"=>{
#      "hls"=>"eksg7h.playback1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
#    }
#  },
#  @created_at="2015-08-22T14:27:01.62Z",
#  @updated_at="2015-08-22T14:27:01.62Z"

List Streams

  status = nil # optional, can be "connected"
  marker = nil # optional
  limit  = nil # optional
  title  = nil # optional
  streams = hub.list_streams(status: status, marker: marker, limit: limit, title: title)
  puts "Hub list_streams() =>\n#{streams.inspect}\n\n"
rescue Exception => e
  puts "Hub list_streams() failed. Caught exception:\n#{e.http_body}\n\n"

#  #<Pili::Stream:0x007fdf94108f58>,
#  #<Pili::Stream:0x007fdf94108f30>,
#  #<Pili::Stream:0x007fdf94108f08>,
#  #<Pili::Stream:0x007fdf94108ee0>,
#  #<Pili::Stream:0x007fdf94108eb8>,
#  #<Pili::Stream:0x007fdf94108e90>,
#  #<Pili::Stream:0x007fdf94108e68>,
#  #<Pili::Stream:0x007fdf94108e40>,
#  #<Pili::Stream:0x007fdf94108e18>,
#  #<Pili::Stream:0x007fdf94108df0>


To JSON String

json_string = stream.to_json()
puts "Stream stream.to_json() =>\n#{json_string}\n\n"

#  "id":"z1.hub1.55d886b5e3ba571322003121",
#  "title":"55d886b5e3ba571322003121",
#  "hub":"hub1",
#  "publish_key":"0e18061751841053",
#  "publish_security":"dynamic",
#  "disabled":false,
#  "hosts":{
#    "publish":{
#      "rtmp":"eksg7h.publish.z1.pili.qiniup.com"
#    },
#    "live":{
#      "http":"eksg7h.live1-http.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
#      "rtmp":"eksg7h.live1-rtmp.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
#    },
#    "playback":{
#      "http":"eksg7h.playback1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
#    }
#  },
#  "created_at":"2015-08-22T10:27:01.62-04:00",
#  "updated_at":"2015-08-22T10:27:01.62-04:00"

Update a Stream

  stream.publish_key      = "new_secret_words" # optional
  stream.publish_security = "static"           # optional, can be "dynamic" or "static", "dynamic" as default
  stream.disabled         = nil                # optional, can be true or false
  stream = stream.update()
  puts "Stream update() =>\n#{stream.inspect}\n\n"
rescue Exception => e
  puts "Stream update() failed. Caught exception:\n#{e.http_body}\n\n"

#  @credentials=#<Pili::Credentials:0x007fdf939c2238 @access_key="0QxleRjH-IGYystrYdeY5w6KdkSdJVa5SaBUbJkY", @secret_key="Vg3u2240H6JL78sfjsgLohGLjk_jO5e0cdief0g3">,
#  @id="z1.hub1.55d886b5e3ba571322003121",
#  @title="55d886b5e3ba571322003121",
#  @hub="hub1",
#  @publish_key="new_secret_words",
#  @publish_security="static",
#  @disabled=false,
#  @hosts={
#    "publish"=>{
#      "rtmp"=>"eksg7h.publish.z1.pili.qiniup.com"
#    },
#    "live"=>{
#      "hdl"=>"eksg7h.live1-hdl.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
#      "hls"=>"eksg7h.live1-hls.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
#      "rtmp"=>"eksg7h.live1-rtmp.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
#    },
#    "playback"=>{
#      "hls"=>"eksg7h.playback1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
#    }
#  },
#  @created_at="2015-08-22T14:27:01.62Z",
#  @updated_at="2015-08-22T14:27:01.62Z"

Disable a Stream

  stream = stream.disable()
  puts "Stream disable() =>\n#{stream.inspect}\n\n"
rescue Exception => e
  puts "Stream disable() failed. Caught exception:\n#{e.http_body}\n\n"

#  @credentials=#<Pili::Credentials:0x007fdf939c2238 @access_key="0QxleRjH-IGYystrYdeY5w6KdkSdJVa5SaBUbJkY", @secret_key="Vg3u2240H6JL78sfjsgLohGLjk_jO5e0cdief0g3">,
#  @id="z1.hub_name.55d886b5e3ba571322003121",
#  @title="55d886b5e3ba571322003121",
#  @hub="hub1",
#  @publish_key="new_secret_words",
#  @publish_security="static",
#  @disabled=true,
#  @hosts={
#    "publish"=>{
#      "rtmp"=>"eksg7h.publish.z1.pili.qiniup.com"
#    },
#    "live"=>{
#      "hdl"=>"eksg7h.live1-hdl.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
#      "hls"=>"eksg7h.live1-hls.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
#      "rtmp"=>"eksg7h.live1-rtmp.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
#    },
#    "playback"=>{
#      "hls"=>"eksg7h.playback1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
#    }
#  },
#  @created_at="2015-08-22T14:27:01.62Z",
#  @updated_at="2015-08-22T14:27:01.62Z"

Enable a Stream

  stream = stream.enable()
  puts "Stream enable() =>\n#{stream.inspect}\n\n"
rescue Exception => e
  puts "Stream enable() failed. Caught exception:\n#{e.http_body}\n\n"

#  @credentials=#<Pili::Credentials:0x007fdf939c2238 @access_key="0QxleRjH-IGYystrYdeY5w6KdkSdJVa5SaBUbJkY", @secret_key="Vg3u2240H6JL78sfjsgLohGLjk_jO5e0cdief0g3">,
#  @id="z1.hub1.55d886b5e3ba571322003121",
#  @title="55d886b5e3ba571322003121",
#  @hub="hub1",
#  @publish_key="new_secret_words",
#  @publish_security="static",
#  @disabled=false,
#  @hosts={
#    "publish"=>{
#      "rtmp"=>"eksg7h.publish.z1.pili.qiniup.com"
#    },
#    "live"=>{
#      "hdl"=>"eksg7h.live1-hdl.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
#      "hls"=>"eksg7h.live1-hls.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com",
#      "rtmp"=>"eksg7h.live1-rtmp.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
#    },
#    "playback"=>{
#      "hls"=>"eksg7h.playback1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com"
#    }
#  },
#  @created_at="2015-08-22T14:27:01.62Z",
#  @updated_at="2015-08-22T14:27:01.62Z"

Get Stream status

  status_info = stream.status()
  puts "Stream status() =>\n#{status_info.inspect}\n\n"
rescue Exception => e
  puts "Stream status() failed. Caught exception:\n#{e.http_body}\n\n"

#  "startFrom"=>"2015-09-10T05:58:10.289+08:00",
#  "addr"=>"",
#  "status"=>"connected",
#  "bytesPerSecond"=>16870.200000000001,
#  "framesPerSecond"=>{
#    "audio"=>42.200000000000003,
#    "video"=>14.733333333333333,
#    "data"=>0.066666666666666666
#  }

Generate RTMP publish URL

publish_url = stream.rtmp_publish_url()
puts "Stream rtmp_publish_url() =>\n#publish_url}\n\n"

# "rtmp://eksg7h.publish.z1.pili.qiniup.com/hub1/55d886b5e3ba571322003121?nonce=1440256178&token=ikRpJBxr4qkfRJkAz4dtiaWITAQ="

Generate RTMP live play URLs

urls = stream.rtmp_live_urls()
puts "Stream rtmp_live_urls() =>\n#{urls.inspect}\n\n"

# {
#   "ORIGIN"=>"rtmp://eksg7h.live1-rtmp.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com/hub_name/55d886b5e3ba571322003121"
# }

Generate HLS live play URLs

urls = stream.hls_live_urls()
puts "Stream hls_live_urls() =>\n#{urls.inspect}\n\n"

# {
#   "ORIGIN"=>"http://eksg7h.live1-hls.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com/hub1/55d886b5e3ba571322003121.m3u8"
# }

Generate HTTP-FLV live play URLs

urls = stream.http_flv_live_urls()
puts "Stream http_flv_live_urls() =>\n#{urls.inspect}\n\n"

# {
#   "ORIGIN"=>"http://eksg7h.live1-hdl.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com/hub1/55d886b5e3ba571322003121.flv"
# }

Get Stream segments

  start_time = nil  # optional, integer, in second, unix timestamp
  end_time   = nil  # optional, integer, in second, unix timestamp
  limit      = nil  # optional, uint

  segments = stream.segments(start_time: start_time, end_time: end_time, limit: limit)

  puts "Stream segments() =>\n#{segments.inspect}\n\n"
rescue Exception => e
  puts "Stream segments() failed. Caught exception:\n#{e.http_body}\n\n"

# {
#   "segments":[
#     {
#       "start":1440256809,
#       "end":1440256842
#     },
#     {
#       "start":1440256842,
#       "end":1440256852
#     }
#   ]
# }

Generate HLS playback URLs

start_time = 1440196065 # optional, integer, in second, unix timestamp
end_time   = 1440196105 # optional, integer, in second, unix timestamp
urls = stream.hls_playback_urls(start_time, end_time)
puts "Stream hls_playback_urls() =>\n#{urls.inspect}\n\n"
# {
#   "ORIGIN"=>"http://eksg7h.playback1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com/hub1/55d886b5e3ba571322003121.m3u8?start=1440196065&end=1440196105"
# }

Save Stream as a file

  name       = "videoName.mp4" # required, string
  start_time = 1440067100      # required, int64, in second, unix timestamp
  end_time   = 1440068104      # required, int64, in second, unix timestamp
  format     = "mp4"           # optional, string
  notify_url = nil             # optional
  pipeline   = nil             # optional
  result = stream.save_as(name, format, start_time, end_time, notify_url, pipeline)
  puts "Stream save_as() =>\n#{result.inspect}\n\n"
rescue Exception => e
  puts "Stream save_as() failed. Caught exception:\n#{e.http_body}\n\n"

# {
#   "url"=>"http://eksg7h.vod1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com/recordings/z1.hub1.55d886b5e3ba571322003121/videoName.m3u8",
#   "targetUrl"=>"http://eksg7h.vod1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com/recordings/z1.hub1.55d886b5e3ba571322003121/videoName.mp4",
#   "persistentId"=>"z1.55d894f77823de5a49b52a16"
# }

While invoking saveAs() and snapshot(), you can get processing state via Qiniu FOP Service using persistentId. API: curl -D GET http://api.qiniu.com/status/get/prefop?id={PersistentId} Doc reference: http://developer.qiniu.com/docs/v6/api/overview/fop/persistent-fop.html#pfop-status

Snapshot Stream

  name       = "imageName.jpg"  # required, string
  format     = "jpg"            # required, string
  options = {
    :time       => 1440067100,  # optional, int64, in second, unix timestamp
    :notify_url => nil          # optional
  result = stream.snapshot(name, format, options)
  puts "Stream snapshot() =>\n#{result.inspect}\n\n"
rescue Exception => e
  puts "Stream snapshot() failed. Caught exception:\n#{e.http_body}\n\n"

# {
#   "targetUrl"=>"http://eksg7h.static1.z1.pili.qiniucdn.com/snapshots/z1.hub1.55d886b5e3ba571322003121/imageName.jpg",
#   "persistentId"=>"z1.55d8948f7823de5a49b52561"
# }

Delete a Stream

  result = stream.delete()
  puts "Stream delete() =>\n#{result.inspect}\n\n"
rescue Exception => e
  puts "Stream delete() failed. Caught exception:\n#{e.http_body}\n\n"

# nil


  • 1.5.4
    • Add pipeline in saveAs
  • 1.5.3
    • Use saveas in hls_playback_urls
  • 1.5.0
    • Add stream.http_flv_live_urls()
    • Add stream.disable()
    • Add stream.enable()
    • Add stream.snapshot()
  • 1.3.0
    • Add stream.saveas()
  • 1.2.0
    • Add Client, Stream class
  • 1.0.1
    • Add stream.status()
    • Update stream.update()
  • 1.0.0
    • Update README create stream example code.
  • 0.1.3
    • Update README create stream example code.
  • 0.1.2
    • Fix stream list method parameter type.
  • 0.1.0
    • Update README
    • Update get milliseconds method
  • 0.0.1
    • Init SDK
    • Add Stream API
    • Add publish and play policy