
Analyze employee data by using SQL to create a data-driven hiring plan

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Overview of the analysis:

Due to upcoming "silver tsunami “, we’ll write a report to help the manager create a data-driven hiring strategy. First, we would like to know how many existing employees reaching retirement age. Second, we want to know who are eligible to participate for a mentorship program. SQL and Quick DBD are utilized for data analysis.

Data Module:



< Table 1. unique_titles >


  • Table of unique_titles list the upcoming retired employees.
  • Total upcoming retired employees are 90398 individuals.

< Table 2. retiring_titles >


  • Over 20000 senior engineer and senior staff will retire
  • Over 10000 engineer and staff will retire.

< Table 3. mentorship >


  • Those whom been selected were born between January 1, 1965 and December 31, 1965. They may be elder employees but doesn’t mean they have appropriate experiences to serve as mentors. So, we can further filter the pool with how long they work for the company and find out those experienced mentors.


Compared with total employees in each of position, around 30% senior engineer ,30% senior staff,45% engineer and staff will retire. We should list how many employees who plan to have retirement in each department. Then we can make an appropriate hiring plan to fill up those position based the urgency and importance of each department to mitigate the impact of silver tsunami for each function. In addition to hiring plan and mentorship program, the company can provide more self-training programs for new hiring to help them get onboard as early as possible.