
In-App Messaging SDK for Android Apps

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Maven Central Build status Quality Gate Status

In-App Messaging SDK for Android

Provides in-app messaging for Android applications. See the User Guide for instructions on implementing in an android application.

How to build

$ brew install gitleaks # install the secrets scanner to be used by this repository
$ git clone git@github.com:rakutentech/android-inappmessaging.git
$ cd android-inappmessaging
$ git submodule update --init
$ ./gradlew check # should pass

Repository Structure

├── README.md                     # guide for developers
├── inappmessaging                # the main inappmessaging project
├── inappmessaging/USERGUIDE.md   # guide for SDK users
├── test                          # sample app using View-based UI
├── test-compose                  # sample app using Jetpack Compose
├── config                        # submodule: public config

How to test the Sample app

You must first define your API config url and subscription key as either environment variables or as gradle properties (such as in your global ~/.gradle/gradle.properties file).


How to use it

Currently we do not host any public APIs but you can create your own APIs and configure the SDK to use those.


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