
Named Entity Recognition (NER) with different combinations of BiGRU, Self-Attention and CRF

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Train multiple models for named entity recognition on toy dataset.

This project is derived from an assignment of an NLP unit of study. The task aims at comparing the performance of different input embeddings as well as different stacks of layers on named entity recognition (NER).

There are several NER models implemented and trained in this program:

  • Attention-CRF
  • BiGRU
  • BiGRU-Attention
  • BiGRU-Attention-CRF

where the attention is the same block to the self-attention layer in Transformer. 4 different ways of computing the attentions are considered:

  • Dot-product
  • Scaled Dot-product
  • Cosine
  • General

For feature embeddings, 4 different combinations are tested, which are compared to each other and to fixed / trainable random initialized embeddings.

  • Word
  • Word + Character
  • Word + Character + PoS
  • Word + PoS


I run my codes on Python 3.7 in following environment:


Notice that tensorboard is NOT the latest version.


  • data/
    • raw/ : origin data
    • dataset.pkl : processed dataset
    • lookup.pkl : word2index and entity2index lookup tables
    • padded_dataset.pkl : padded dataset
  • embed/
    • config.json : path settings for embedding files
    • char_embed.py : generate character embeddings
    • pos_embed.py : generate part-of-speech embeddings
    • word_embed.py : generate word embeddings by Word2Vec Skip-Gram
    • model.py : models for three embeddings mentioned above
  • ner/
    • gamma/
      • attention.py : different implementations of attentions
      • data.py : DataLoader & DataProcess
      • model.py : implementations of NER models
      • modules.py : layers that are used in NER models
      • utils : some useful tool functions
    • arguments.py : settings for this program
    • data_processing.py : processes raw data and generates dataset.pkl, lookup.pkl, padded_dataset.pkl
    • test.py : test program to evaluate trained model
    • train.py : model training logic
    • train_attn_crf.py : train model with attention layer and CRF layer
    • train_gru.py : train model with BiGRU layer
    • train_gru_attn.py : train model with BiGRU layer and attention layer
    • train_gru_attn_crf.py : train model with BiGRU, attention and CRF layers
    • train_gru_crf.py : train model with BiGRU layer and CRF layer
  • result/
    • ckpt/ : best performed weights for each experiments in the form of state_dict, generate by torch.save()
    • embed/ : generated feature embeddings
    • event/ : SummaryWriter file for current training


Check ner/arguments.py first (Default settings should be executable)

Data Processing

This part has been done and dataset.pkl, lookup.pkl, padded_dataset.pkl are generated in data/

>>> cd ner
>>> python data_processing.py

Generate Embeddings

This part has been done and three different input embeddings are placed in result/embed/

>>> cd embed
>>> python word_embed.py
>>> python char_embed.py
>>> python pos_embed.py


>>> cd ner
>>> python train_gru_attn_crf.py

use python train_*.py to train specific model


This part is not complete, since the toy data does not contain the true labels for test set.

>>> cd ner
>>> python test.py