
A collection of tools to easliy acquire and crop large-scale satellite imagery into samples for machine/deep learning.

Primary LanguagePython


A collection of tools to easliy acquire and crop large-scale satellite imagery into samples for machine/deep learning.

Attention: Make sure you have access to Google Earth Engine API.

1. Description

  This is an easy-to-use project for acquiring and cutting large-scale satellite imagery into samples for machine/deep learning. This project is mainly based on geemap, gdal, colab and QGIS desktop.

2. Usage

  • Step 1: Prepare your region of interest (ROI) shapefiles. If your ROI is located in China, please try this link: Get shapefile of ROI. 2023-10-17-16-51-31.png
  • Step 2: Use QGIS desktop to create the grid of your ROI. If you don't familar with this processing, please explore more in this link: QGIS operation. 2023-10-17-16-53-44.png
  • Step 3: Upload the shapefile of the grids followed by last step to your GEE assets.
  • Step 4: Use the notebooks in this project to download Sentinel 1/2 satelite images with preprocessing.
  • Step 5: Use the .py files in this project to crop the satelite images to samples.

3. Details

  • Sentinel-1.ipynb: use to download the Sentinel-1_GRD satelite imagery of your ROI.(VV,VH,UInt8)
  • Sentinel-2.ipynb: use to download the Sentinel-2 satelite imagery of your ROI.
  • S2_process.py: use to process Sentinel-2 images including float32()toUInt16(),Compress.
  • dataset_crop/crop_v2.py: use to crop the satelite images to samples such as 512*512.

4. Contact

  If you encounter any problem in using the Sat2samples or have any feedback, please contact:

5. Reference