
Using Spock to test spring boot application

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Boot And Spock

I love Spring Boot and Spock. This sample project is to show how to take advantages of both frameworks.

Spring Boot

Spring Boot is great framework. Not much to say.


Spock is a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications. Compared to other testing framework, Spock is really fastinating.

For example, Data Driven Testing (http://spockframework.org/spock/docs/1.1-rc-2/data_driven_testing.html) is great way to exercise a feature method with a fixed set of data values. Instead of write multiple test cases to test different input values, 'Data Tables' allows developer to write a single test method with a simple input table to verify different scenarios. This is definitely top reason I use Spock.

Another cute feature is that the Feature Methods can be named with String literals.

The following is an example to test a User creation API to validate the input. A single test method covers all BAD_REQUEST scenario. Beyond that if the validation rule changes, we simple adjust the input value.

def "create user missing required field #field --> #value"(String field, String value){
		User user = new User()
		user.userName = "john.simons@abc.com"
		user.firstName = "John"
		user.lastName = "Simons"
		user.email = "john.simons@abc.com"
		user.mobileNumber = "17325551234"
		// set a given field to the test value
		user."${field}" = value
		ResponseEntity<String> response =
			template.postForEntity(serviceUri("/1/users/"), user, String.class)
		response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST
		field				| value
		'firstName'		  	| null
		'firstName'		  	| ''
		'lastName'		  	| null
		'lastName'		  	| ''
		'email'			  	| null
		'email'			  	| ''
		'email'			  	| 'notanemailaddress'
		'mobileNumber'		  	| null
		'mobileNumber'		  	| ''