
An example project to show Swagger usage with Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava


An example project to show usage Swagger with Spring Boot


I have been using Swagger to document API in Spring project and it worked pretty well, however, I am still having trouble to make it seamlessly work with Spring Boot. Following the discussion over stackoverflow, I am creating a sample project hopefully to show how it works. Please refer Swagger-SpringMVC-Demo for more information.

How to run

1. mvn spring-boot:run
2. open http://localhost:8080/sdoc.jsp

User Document


It only works with Tomcat. If we switch to Jetty, the Swagger-UI is not loaded.

To make it work with Jetty

Due to Spring Boot limitation on JSP for embedded container, swagger-ui cannot be used as jar directly. To make it work with Jetty, I have to go for static contents.

1. Remove swagger-spring-mvc-ui from pom.xml
2. Download swagger-ui from https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui.git
3. Copy the 'dist' directory to folders under resources (I placed under src/main/resources/public)
4. Edit index.html,  url = "http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json"; 
                ===> url = "http://localhost:8080/api-docs"
5. mvn spring-boot:run
6. open: http://localhost:8080/index.html