
A signal and music tracker (written in Rust) which uses wave-sickle for sound generation and wlambda as scripting language.

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Please note, this project has been deprecated and won't be continued. It has been superseded by HexoSynth - A modular synthesizer in Rust

WDemTracker - A music tracker which uses wave-sickle for sound generation

This is a crate that provides an editor and tracker backend for use in other Rust applications. The editor currently uses ggez for graphics and input handling, but could be rather easily ported to SDL or other graphics libraries.

The Rust port of @logicomacorp Logicoma's WaveSabre synthesizer for 64k demos which I called wave-sickle is responsible for sound synthesis and sample playing.

To goal is to include this tracker into a graphics demo engine (or the other way around) for writing realtime graphics demos with realtime music/sound generation.

The WLambda scripting language provides means to setup signal flow graphs and setting up the wave-sickle synthesizer modules.

The main user is currently my wctr-demo-engine project.



This is not even really released yet. And not even alpha stage, also the wave-sickle port is only boiler plate and basic setup code currently.

I am currently very much implementing basic things like the first synthesizer port and finally sending note triggers to it.

Just recently I added the audio buffers and audio device thread.

How to run?

Currently it has not been published to crates.io and you have to clone the git repositories yourself, but from that it should be just a call to cargo run --release to execute it:

# git clone https://github.com/WeirdConstructor/wlambda.git
# git clone https://github.com/WeirdConstructor/wctr-signal-ops.git
# git clone https://github.com/WeirdConstructor/wdem-tracker.git

# cd wdem-tracker
# cargo run --release

Then hit F1 for a short command overview.


The tracker usage is different from most trackers and it's input interface is similar to vi(m) in concept. You have different modes to do different things and you always get back to the default [Normal] mode by hitting the ESC key. You Quit by hitting the q key!.

For Help hit F1.

WLambda Tracker API

The whole tracker is configured and signal graph is setup by an WLambda script. The script is read from the tracker.wl file in the current working directory. This is an example of how such a tracker.wl script might look like:

displayln "audio thread setting start!";

!g_main = audio_call :signal_group "Main";
audio_call :track_proxy 5 g_main;

!g_sub = audio_call :signal_group "Sub";
!os  = audio_call :op :sin "Sin1" g_sub;
!os2 = audio_call :op :sin "Sin2" g_sub;

range 1 100 1 {
    !i = _;
    audio_call :op :sin [str:cat "Sin" i] g_sub;

!g_inst1 = audio_call :signal_group :Inst1;
audio_call :op :slaughter "Sl1" g_inst1;
audio_call :op :audio_send "AS1" g_inst1;

!r = $[:addmul, 0, 1.0, 0.01];
audio_call :input "AS1" :vol_l r;
audio_call :input "AS1" :vol_r r;

audio_call :thread:quit;
displayln "audio thread setting end!";

Aside from the WLambda Reference following functions are available:

The Modulation Signal Graph

There is a huge vector of floats called the register, which holds the current modulation values. The signal graph is executed every tick and the operators in that graph can read/write/modify the register and optionally generate an audio signal. The audio signal of a signal group (see below) can be completely replaced/altered/overwritten by the operator.

Global Functions

audio_call audio-thread-function-name {args}

Audio Thread Functions

This section holds all the functions available in the audio thread, where the setup of the signal network happens. You can call audio thread functions with audio_call and audio_send.

group-id = signal_group name

Creates a new signal group, which is loosely coupling multiple modulator and/or audio operators. Each signal group also has an associated audio buffer. The signal groups audio is rendered in the order the groups were created.

track_proxy track-count group-id

This function creates a proxy to forward track modulation value signals into the signal graph. The first track-count tracks are mapped into the first track-count register indexes.

output-register-index = op type name-id group-id

This command generates a new operator called and identified by name-id. The operator is put into the signal group designated by group-id. The return value is the index in the register.

There are currently these types available for type:

sin             - A sinus LFO
                  * Available inputs:
                    amp     - Sine wave amplitude
                    phase   - Sine wave phase
                    vert    - Vertical offset of the sine wave
                    freq    - Frequency of the sine

audio_send      - An operator that sends the audio of the current
                  signal group and adds it to another signal group.
                  * Available inputs:
                    vol_l   - Linear factor for left channel audio signal
                              before it's added to the destination bus.
                    vol_r   - Linear factor for right channel audio signal
                              before it's added to the destination bus.

slaughter       - The slaughter synthesizer of wave-sickle.

input name-id input-name register-operator

This operation sets the input input-name of an operator identified by name-id to the given register-operator. The register operator is calculating and returning the actual value that is used for the input of the operator. The available inputs are listed above in the documentation of the op function.

Following register-operator definitions are possible:

_float_                 - Fixed non changing value.
                          Example: `0.123`
$[:reg, _reg-idx_]      - Value of register index _reg-idx_.
                          Example: `$[:reg, 1]`
$[:mix2, _reg-a-idx_, _reg-b-idx_, _x_]
                        - _x_ is between 0.0 and 1.0. If 0.0 then
                          the value of _reg-a-idx_ is taken, if 1.0
                          value of _reg-b-idx_ is taken. Anything
                          inbetween is a linear mix of the two registers.
$[:add, _reg-idx_, _value_]
                        - Adds _value_ to the value of _reg-idx_.
$[:mul, _reg-idx_, _value_]
                        - Multiplies value of _reg-idx_ with _value_.
$[:addmul, _reg-idx_, _add-value_, _factor-value_]
                        - (reg-value + _add-value_) * _factor-value_
$[:muladd, _reg-idx_, _factor-value_, _add-value_]
                        - (reg-value * _factor-value_) + _add-value_
$[:lerp, _reg-idx_, _a_, _b_]
                        - Interpolates linearily between _a_ and _b_
                          with x being the value of _reg-idx_.
$[:sstep, _reg-idx_, _a_, _b_]
                        - Interpolates smoothsteppy between _a_ and _b_
                          with x being the value of _reg-idx_.
$[:map, _reg-idx_, _from-a_, _from-b_, _to-a_, _to-b_]
                        - Maps the value of _reg-idx_ from the _from-a_/_from-b_ range
                          to the _to-a_/_to-b_ range.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later.

Why GPL?

Picking a license for my code bothered me for a long time. I read many discussions about this topic. Read the license explanations. And discussed this matter with other developers.

First about why I write code for free at all:

  • It's my passion to write computer programs. In my free time I can write the code I want, when I want and the way I want. I can freely allocate my time and freely choose the projects I want to work on.
  • To help a friend or member of my family.
  • To solve a problem I have.

Those are the reasons why I write code for free. Now the reasons why I publish the code, when I could as well keep it to myself:

  • So that it may bring value to users and the free software community.
  • Show my work as an artist.
  • To get into contact with other developers.
  • And it's a nice change to put some more polish on my private projects.

Most of those reasons don't yet justify GPL. The main point of the GPL, as far as I understand: The GPL makes sure the software stays free software until eternity. That the user of the software always stays in control. That the users have at least the means to adapt the software to new platforms or use cases. Even if the original authors don't maintain the software anymore. It ultimately prevents "vendor lock in". I really dislike vendor lock in, especially as developer. Especially as developer I want and need to stay in control of the computers I use.

Another point is, that my work has a value. If I give away my work without any strings attached, I effectively work for free. Work for free for companies. I would compromise the price I can demand for my skill, workforce and time.

This makes two reasons for me to choose the GPL:

  1. I do not want to support vendor lock in scenarios. At least not for free. I want to prevent those when I have a choice. And before you ask, yes I work for a company that sells closed source software. I am not happy about the closed source fact. But it pays my bills and gives me the freedom to write free software in my free time.
  2. I don't want to low ball my own wage and prices by giving away free software with no strings attached (for companies).

If you need a permissive or private license (MIT)

Please contact me if you need a different license and really want to use my code. As long as I am the only author, I can change the license. We might find an agreement.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in WLambda by you, shall be licensed as GPLv3 or later, without any additional terms or conditions.
