
Collection of Functions that Lua lack, implemented from javascript, Python..etc...

Primary LanguageLua

Lua Utilities

Collection of Functions that Lua lack, implemented from javascript, Python..etc...

Adds a Metatable that implements



To not overwrite any methods of the table object, This Library creates a metatable so the only way to use these functions is to

 local t = T({})
 local children = T(game.Players:GetChildren())
  • :find() Finds and returns the first element that fulfils condition provided
  • :reverse() reverses the order of the table, table musn't contain properties
  • :filter() returns a new table that contains element that fulfils the condition provided
  • :concat(...) returns a new table that contains elements of all the Table arguments provided
  • :forEach() Similiar to how Luau table.foreach() behaves, iterates over the table and runs the provided functions
  • :map() creates a new table populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling table.
  • :clone() Returns a deepcopy of the table
  • :values() Returns a table that contains the values
  • :length() Returns the size of the table taking in account properties in contract to #table
  • Global

    printf() --Checks if argument if table and and will print all descendants (not the best implemenation yet, it's WIP)


    :split(delimeter) Similiar to the javascript counterpart,Devides the string to multiple substrings and returns an array split by the delimeter


    Contributions are always very welcome!


    local users = T({
            name = "john",
            age = 23
            name = "maria",
            age = 20
            name = "Nadiah",
            age = 25
            name = "Introvert",
            age = 16
            name = "Alex",
            age = 17
    local minor = users:find(function(user)
     return user.age < 18
    local notAllowedUsers = users:filter(function(e)
         return e.age< 18
    local onlyAdults = users:map(function(e)
        if e.age<18 then return nil end
        return e