
Neos package that helps you to render lists of things

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


This Neos package solves one problem: help you list any nodes in Fusion. The idea is very simple: you often need to display list of things (e.g. news, articles etc), and the concern of listing items should better be separated from the concern of rendering items. This package provides a solid foundation for listing, while allowing you to take care of rendering stuff on your own.


  1. Install the package with composer: composer require flowpack/listable Here it is on packagist.
  2. If you want a paginated list, use Flowpack.Listable:PaginatedCollection.
  3. If you just want a simple list, use Flowpack.Listable:Collection (or just Neos.Fusion:Collection!).
  4. If you need a list with a header and an archive link, wrap you list into Flowpack.Listable:List
  5. For each of your nodetypes create a new Fusion object of type NodeTypeName + '.Short', or manually define a rendering object.
  6. Rely on public API keys when overriding settings.

Fusion objects

Keys documented here are considered public API and would be treated with semantic versioning in mind. Extend all other properties at your own risk.


This object is just a simple convienince wrapper around Neos.Fusion:Collection, use it if you want to save a few keystrokes. It wraps the list with UL and LI tags with a provided name and also set Flowpack.Listable:ContentCaseShort as a default for itemRenderer.

Configuration options:

Setting Description Defaults
collection An instance of ElasticSearchQueryBuilder, FlowQuery object or an array of nodes 'to-be-set'
listClass Classname of UL tag ''
itemClass Classname of LI tag wrapping each item ''
itemRenderer Object used for rendering child items. Within it you get two context vars set: node and iterator 'Flowpack.Listable:ContentCaseShort'
itemName Name of the the node context variable 'node'
iterationName Name of the the iterator context variable 'iteration'


prototype(My.Custom:Object) < prototype(Flowpack.Listable:Collection) {
  collection = ${q(site).find('[instanceof Something.Custom:Here]').sort('date', 'DESC').slice(0, 6).get()}
  listClass = 'MyList'
  itemClass = 'MyList-item'

It would use the object Something.Custom:Here.Short for rendering each item.

Make sure to correctly configure the cache.


This object allows you to paginate either ElasticSearch results, FlowQuery result objects or pure Node arrays.

Configuration options:

Setting Description Defaults
collection An instance of ElasticSearchQueryBuilder, FlowQuery object or an array of nodes 'to-be-set'
itemsPerPage Number of items per page when using pagination 24
maximumNumberOfLinks Number of page links in pagination 15
listRenderer Object used for rendering the list. 'Flowpack.Listable:Collection'
showPreviousNextLinks Boolean value used to decide whether the previous and next links should be added false

When used with ElasticSearch, build the query, but don't execute it, the object will do it for you:

prototype(My.Custom:Object) < prototype(Flowpack.Listable:PaginatedCollection) {
  collection = ${Search.query(site).nodeType('Something.Custom:Here').sortDesc('date')}
  itemsPerPage = 12
  prototype(Flowpack.Listable:Collection) {
    listClass = 'MyPaginatedList'
    itemClass = 'MyPaginatedList-item'

If you have additional URL parameters (e.g for a date filter) you have to register the argument and change the cache entryDiscriminator in order work accordingly. HINT: Do not forget to register a corresponding route for your custom argument.

prototype(My.Custom:Object) < prototype(Flowpack.Listable:PaginatedCollection) {

  prototype(Flowpack.Listable:PaginationParameters) {
    date = ${request.arguments.data}

  @cache {
    entryDiscriminator = ${request.arguments.currentPage + request.arguments.date}


This object is configured by default to dynamic cache mode for pagination to work. All you have to do is add correct entryTags and you are all set.


There's often a need to render a list with a header and an archive link. This object takes your list and wraps it with just that.

Configuration options:

Setting Description Defaults
wrapClass Class of the div that wraps the whole object ''
listTitle Title of the list ''
listTitleClass Class of the list title ''
archiveLink Nodepath for the archive link ''
archiveLinkTitle Title of the archive link ''
archiveLinkClass Classname of the archive link ''
archiveLinkAdditionalParams AdditionalParams of the archive link, e.g. @context.archiveLinkAdditionalParams = ${{archive: 1}} {}
list A list that this object should wrap value


prototype(My.Custom:Object) < prototype(Flowpack.Listable:PaginatedCollection) {
  @process.list = Flowpack.Listable:List {
    listTitle = 'My List'
    archiveLink = '~/page-path-or-identifier'
    archiveLinkTitle = 'See all news'
  collection = ${q(site).find('[instanceof Something.Custom:Here]').sort('date', 'DESC').slice(0, 6).get()}


You can also use pagination standalone from the PaginatedCollection.

Configuration options:

Setting Description Defaults
totalCount A total count of items 'to-be-set'
itemsPerPage Number of items per page 24
maximumNumberOfLinks A maximum number of links 15
class A class around pagination 'Pagination'
itemClass A total count of items 'Pagination-item'
currentItemClass A class for a current item 'isCurrent'
currentPage Current page, starting with 1 `${request.arguments.currentPage
showPreviousNextLinks Boolean value used to decide whether the previous and next links should be added false

FlowQuery Helpers you can use


Filter nodes by properties of type date.


Filter nodes by properties of type reference or references.


Sort nodes recursively by their sorting property.


${q(site).find('[instanceof Neos.Neos:Document]').sortRecursiveByIndex('DESC').get()}