
Customized Go-Ethereum client supporting Peri algorithm and latency measurement on Ethereum mainnet and testnets.

Primary LanguageGoGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Customized Go Ethereum for Latency Measurement

Customized Go-Ethereum client supporting Peri and latency measurement on Ethereum mainnet and testnets.

See the original README documentation for other details.


This project requires a Go (version 1.14 or later), a C compiler, Python 3.9 or later, and node.js.

Install ntp server. On Linux, install the following executables.

sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install -y ntp ntpdate

Install the following python packages.

pip install ntplib schedule web3 

Install the following node.js packages.

npm install web3 fs-extra net path axios colors abi-decoder events sprintf-js async-mutex

Once the dependencies are installed, run

make geth

Running geth on Ethereum P2P network

Running the Node

To run a node on the mainnet with maximum peer count 50, execute the command

./build/bin/geth --mainnet --maxpeers 50 --datadir path_to_chaindata \
    --cache 12288 --ws --ws.port 8546  --ipcpath path_to_ipc \
    --loggypath path_to_loggy/loggy_example.json \
    --peri path_to_peri/peri_example.json 

If the host machine does not have 12GB RAM, try to reduce the --cache argument in MB. Variants of this command are packed into shell scripts in

    |- mlistener.sh   #  listener nodes on mainnet for global latency measurement
    |- mtlistener.sh  #  listener nodes on mainnet for targeted latency measurement
    |- rtlistener.sh  #  listener nodes on Ropsten for targeted latency measurement
    |- rttransfer.sh  #  victim nodes on Ropsten for targeted latency measurement
    |- ktlistener.sh  #  listener nodes on Rinkeby for targeted latency measurement
    |- kttransfer.sh  #  victim nodes on Rinkeby for targeted latency measurement

Access to geth Console

When the node starts running, run the following command to get access to the javascript console of geth. This is used for tracking peers on-the-fly or checking synchronization progress.

./build/bin/geth attach path_to_ipc 

This is packed into shell script SHELL_SCRIPTS/check.sh.

Loggy Configuration

The config of logger is fed to the --loggypath argument as the path to a json config file. Here is an example of path_to_loggy/loggy_example.json (See example file).

    "FlagLoggy": false, 
    "FlagConn": true,
    "FlagConnWarn": false,
    "FlagPerigee": true,
    "FlagForward": true,
    "FlagAllTx": false,
    "FlagObserve": true,
    "FlagBroadcast": false,
    "EPOCH_DURATION": 3600,
    "LOGS_BASEPATH": "/data/logs/mainnet"

The meaning of the fields are listed below:

Field Description (if is a flag, when true)
FlagLoggy [DEBUG] placeholder; set to false
FlagConn record the peer connections
FlagConnWarn warn about peer disconnections on the command line
FlagPerigee record the Peri report on peer scores and actions
FlagForward not block a relevant transaction from being forwarded
FlagAllTx record late deliveries too (instead only the first deliveries of txs)
FlagObserve record transactions; when false, no transaction is recorded
FlagBroadcast record transaction broadcasting activities
EPOCH_DURATION number of seconds before the logger creates a new file for logging
LOGS_BASEPATH directory to the logs

Peri Configuration

The config of logger is fed to the --peri argument as the path to a json config file. Here is an example of path_to_peri/peri_example.json (See example file).

    "Active": false,
    "Targeted": false,
    "ShowTxDelivery": false,
    "Period": 1200,
    "ReplaceRatio": 0,
    "DialRatio": 3,
    "MaxDelayPenalty": 30000,
    "ObservedTxRatio": 4,
    "TargetAccountList": [],
    "NoPeerIPList": ["", "", "", ""]

The meaning of the fields are listed below:

Field Description
Active global switch of Peri
Targeted global latency if false, targeted latency if true (target accounts in TargetAccountList)
ObservedTxRatio (1 / sampling rate) of global latency; must be int
ShowTxDelivery [DEBUG] print log of relevant transaction arrivals to command line if true
Period Peri period length in seconds
ReplaceRatio proportion of peers to be replaced
DialRatio (1 / percentage of outbound peers). Must be int. 1 for Peri/Hybrid and 3 for Baseline
MaxDelayPenalty $\bar \Delta$ in milliseconds
TargetAccountList list of target accounts
NoPeerIPList node with IP addresses in this list are permanently blocked

Running Script to Send Transactions

First, make sure the nodes are running and the accounts are unlocked. See official documentation for details.

Then, run this command to transfer 1 Gwei every 2 minutes from each unlocked account.

node BOT/scripts/transfer.js 2

Note: It may be necessary to change the gas price oracle in the scripts.

Running NTP Queries to Get Clock Offsets

Run the following command to keep recording clock differences between the host machine and multiple external IP addresses (for example, and

python SHELL_SCRIPTS/ntpm.py --logpath path_to_ntp_logs --ip


Check how to deploy a gateway and connect to a full node in the official website. It requires that --ws and --ws.port are set in geth command line arguments.

Experiment Data

The data consists of two parts: geth-logged and NTP clock differences. The former is under directory LOGS_BASEPATH, specified by the loggy configuration. The latter is under path_to_ntp_logs. These log files are sufficient for data analysis.