**** Complex Credit Card React Project ****

Note :

 * Card holder:
      As a user, I want to change the name in the form
      The name has a maximum length of 20 characters
      As a user, I want to view the name
      The name preview is all uppercase

* Valid thru :
      As a user, I want to change the validThru in the form
      The validThru value is in the format MM/YY
      As a user, I want the / character to be typed automatically for me
      As a user, I want to view the validThru
      Then validThru preview is in the format MM/YY
      The validThru preview has characters as placeholders for empty values

 * Card number :
      As a user, I want to change the card number in the form
      The card number has a length of 16 characters