
Official website for https://welsim.com

Primary LanguageHTML


Official website for the WelSim - #1 engineering simulation software for the open-source community.


To set up your environment and run the server locally:

gem install bundler
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/WelSimLLC/welsim.github.io.git
cd welsim.github.io
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve

More detailed instructions available at the GitHub Pages documentation. Really, GitHub? Yep. Really.


To ensure videos work in Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Edge, videos should be encoded as H.264 MP4. For example:

# use this command to generate the H.264 MP4 version of the video
ffmpeg -i assets/WelSim_Launch_original.mp4 -vcodec h264 -acodec aac -strict -2 -movflags +faststart assets/WelSim_Launch.mp4 # convert video (in any supported format) into H.264 MP4

Then, generate a thumbnail for the video, used as a fallback (when the browser doesn't support video) or shown before the video is loaded:

# extract frame at 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 15 seconds into the video, save it as a JPG
ffmpeg -ss 00:00:15 -i assets/WelSim_Launch.mp4 -vframes 1 -q:v 2 assets/WelSim_Launch.jpg

Now that you have the H.264 MP4, and the thumbnail JPG, use the following markup in your HTML to include the video (with our cross-browser video component):

{% include video.html id="some-unique-identifier-for-video" path="/assets/WelSim_Launch.mp4" mimetype="video/mp4" thumbnail="/assets/WelSim_Launch.jpg" %}


Push to a GitHub repository, making sure the repository is set up with https://www.welsim.com as a custom domain name.

Content Management


On any page, front matter entries can be used to add social media metadata. For example, on a blog post:

# post-specific fields (other fields also may be used in the post, but also are used for SEO)
layout: post
date:   2019-04-04

# also used as title of card preview on Twitter and Facebook
title:  "Yeoh hyperelastic model for nonlinear finite element analysis"

# thumbnail image (note: must be a full URL, so it has to start with `https://welsim.com/...`)
# note: this defaults to https://welsim.com/android-chrome-384x384.png
# note: test this using https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator and https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/sharing/
image: https://welsim.com/android-chrome-384x384.png

# description of the current page
# note: this defaults to the first paragraph of the content
description: "This is a blog post on WelSim's blog."

# content language
lang: en

Frequently Asked Questions

To add a new FAQ entry, create a new file at collections/_faq/<ORDER_WITHIN_PAGE>-<IDENTIFIER>.<LANGUAGE_CODE>.md with the following form:

lang: en # this post is written in English
order: 2 # this FAQ entry appears as the second entry
title: "QUESTION?"


Make sure to create the corresponding translated files for every language code!

To edit an existing FAQ entry, edit the corresponding file at collections/_faq/<ORDER_WITHIN_PAGE>-<IDENTIFIER>.md.

News Articles

To add a new News Article, create a new file at collections/_news/<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>-<IDENTIFIER>.md with the following form:

title: "These are the Top Civil Engineering Startups in Pennsylvania (2021)" # title of the news article
weblink: "https://startupill.com/these-are-the-top-civil-engineering-startups-in-pennsylvania-2021/"   # link to online publisher's article
date: 2017-11-08                                                            # publication date of news article
thumbnail: "/assets/techcrunch.png"                                         # thumbnail shown with the article
source: startupill                                                          # publisher name
jumbotron: false                                                            # when `true`, shows the article in jumbotron at the top of the page, otherwise shows the article in articles list below


News Article Thumbnail

Desktop and mobile news article thumbnails have different proportions. In order for the thumbnail to appear properly in both contexts, do the following:

Create a 1000 x 750 px image file with 100 px margins, place news source logo inside the 800 x 550 px area and save as jpg or png.

To edit an existing News Article entry, edit the corresponding file at collections/_news/<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>-<IDENTIFIER>.md.

Blog Posts

To add a new Blog Post, create a new file at collections/_posts/<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>-<IDENTIFIER>.<LANGUAGE_CODE>.md with the following form:

lang: fr                                                                          # this post is written in French
layout: post                                                                      # use standard blog post page layout
title: "A Free Material Editing Tool - MatEditor" # title of the blog post
date: 2018-06-18                                                                  # publication date of blog post
author: "[Some Person](https://google.com)"                                       # author name (supports Markdown for links and formatting)


Make sure to create the corresponding translated files for every language code!

To edit an existing Blog Post entry, edit the corresponding file at collections/_posts/<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>-<IDENTIFIER>.<LANGUAGE_CODE>.md.

Set When a Post Gets Published - Date and Time

You can set the date and time for when a blog post gets published. Instead of only a YYYY-MM-DD date in the blog post front matter you can include a time as well. The date and time is in ISO 8601 format. There is more than one way to write a date and time in ISO 8601 format, but to keep things simple, use this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM±HH:MM

Going left to right:

  • YYYY-MM-DD is the standard year-month-day format.
  • T is the letter "T" to indicate the following numbers are time.
  • HH:MM is the time in the time zone you want the post to get published in. HH is 00 to 23. There is no AM or PM.
  • ±HH:MM this is the time offset from UTC for the time zone youw ant the post to get published in. HH is 00 to 23. There is no AM or PM.

Example: If you want a post to get published on March 15, 2022 at 9 AM PST you would have this in the front matter:

date: 2022-03-15T09:00-08:00

Since PST is 8 hours behind UTC, we use -08:00 as the UTC offset after the 09:00.


To add a new Investor entry, create a new file at collections/_investor_pics/<ORDER_WITHIN_PAGE>-<IDENTIFIER>.md with the following form:

pic_url: "/assets/a16z.png"  # thumbnail image for investor entry
name: "Andressen Horowitz"   # name of investor
web_url: "https://a16z.com/" # investor's website
order: 2                     # this is the second entry in the investors list

To edit an existing Investor entry, edit the corresponding file at collections/_investor_pics/<ORDER_WITHIN_PAGE>-<IDENTIFIER>.md.

