
This repository contains a collection of projects in C++ and Python that implement various data structures and algorithms. The projects are organized by language and topic, and include detailed explanations and examples to help you understand how they work.

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This repository contains a collection of projects in C++ and Python that implement various data structures and algorithms. The projects are organized by language and topic, and include detailed explanations and examples to help you understand how they work.



Ever since I first tackled Algorithms and Data Structures at university in 2015, I've found it super useful to regularly go back to the basics. This becomes even more important when you're trying to learn a new programming language - a strong foundation is key. To help others, I've decided to share my code and notes on the subject with everyone.

My code is written in two programming languages I really enjoy, C++ and Python. I've done my best to stick to the latest best practices. Alongside the code, you'll find the notes I made while learning. These notes give more context and could be really handy for anyone new to Algorithms and Data Structures.


The following requirements are necessary to build and run the code in this repository:

  • For C++ projects:
    • A C++ compiler supporting C++14
    • CMake 3.15 or later
  • For Python projects:
    • Python 3.10 or later

No additional libraries or modules are required.

Running the Examples

This repository is organized into distinct algorithm implementations, each contained in its own subdirectory. These subdirectories provide the source code, unit tests, and build configuration files necessary for each algorithm. Because each algorithm forms a separate project, you should handle the build and test processes individually.

Building and Testing C++ Projects

Building and testing C++ projects involve a sequence of steps. Here's a detailed walkthrough:

  1. Navigate to the project directory: Start by moving into the directory containing the specific project you want to build and test.

  2. Create and navigate into the build directory:

mkdir -p build && cd build

This command creates a new directory named build (if it doesn't already exist) and then navigates into it. The build directory is where the output files of the build process will be stored.

  1. Generate the build files with CMake:
cmake ..

This command runs CMake to generate the build files. .. tells CMake to look for the CMakeLists.txt file in the directory above build.

  1. Build the project:

This command compiles the source code using the instructions specified in the CMakeLists.txt file.

  1. Run the unit tests:
ctest --verbose

The ctest --verbose command executes the unit tests and uses the verbose flag to provide a detailed output.

Testing Python Projects

To test a Python project, execute the following command in the project directory:

python -m unittest discover -v

This command uses Python's built-in unittest module to discover and run the tests. The -v (verbose) flag is used to get more detailed output from the tests.

Using the Utility Script

For convenience, this repository includes a utility script named run_tests.sh. This script runs the unit tests for all subprojects. To use the script, execute the following command from the repository's root directory:


Code Formatting Conventions

Consistent code formatting is essential for maintaining readability and understanding of the codebase. Therefore, we have adopted specific formatting guidelines for each programming language used in this repository.

C++ Formatting

We adhere to the Google C++ Style Guide. To automatically format the code, we use clang-format. Use the following command to format your code:

find . -regex '.*\\.(cpp|hpp|cu|c|h)' -exec clang-format -style=file -i {} \\;

This command recursively finds all files with .cpp, .hpp, .cu, .c, or .h extensions and formats them using clang-format.

CMake Formatting

CMake files should have a consistent style as well. For this, we use cmake-format. To format a CMakeLists.txt file, execute the following command:

cmake-format CMakeLists.txt -i

This command applies the cmake-format to the CMakeLists.txt file.

Python Formatting

We follow the PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code for Python projects and use black to automatically format the code. Use the following command to format your Python code:

black .

This command formats all Python files in the current directory and its subdirectories using black.


List of projects

Data structures

# Structure Implementation
1 Linked List Python Cpp
2 Vector Python Cpp
3 Stack Python Cpp
4 Queue Python Cpp
5 Heap Python Cpp
6 Binary Search Tree Python Cpp
7 Avl Tree Python Cpp
8 Red Black Tree Python Cpp
9 Hash Table Python Cpp


# Algorithm Implementation
1 General graph Python Cpp
1 Is Bipartite? Python Cpp
2 BFS Python Cpp
3 DFS Python Cpp
4 Dijkstra Python Cpp
5 A* Python Cpp
6 Bellman-Ford Python Cpp
7 Kruskal Python Cpp
8 Prim Python Cpp


# Problem Solution
1 Permutations Python Cpp
2 Combinations Python Cpp
3 String Pattern Python Cpp
4 Generating words Python Cpp
5 K-colorable configurations Python Cpp
6 Hamiltonian paths Python Cpp
7 Knigt tour Python Cpp
8 Topological orderings Python Cpp
9 Tic-tac-toe (minimax) Python Cpp

Dynamic Programming

# Problem Solution
1 Fibonacci Python Cpp
2 Grid travelers Python Cpp
3 Stairs Python Cpp
4 Can sum Python Cpp
5 How sum Python Cpp
6 Best sum Python Cpp
7 Can construct Python Cpp
8 Count construct Python Cpp
9 All construct Python Cpp
10 Coins Python Cpp
11 Longest increasing subsequence Python Cpp
12 Longest common subsequence Python Cpp
13 Knuth-Morris-Pratt Python Cpp
14 Minimum insertions to form a palindrome Python Cpp


# Algorithm Implementation
1 Insertion sort Python Cpp
2 Selection sort Python Cpp
3 Heap sort Python Cpp
4 Merge sort Python Cpp
5 Quick sort Python Cpp

Brain Teasers

# Problem Solution
1 Minimum deletions to make valid parentheses Python Cpp
2 Is palindrome after at most one char deletion? Python Cpp
3 K closest points to origin Python Cpp
4 Subarray sum equals K Python Cpp
5 Add numbers given as strings Python Cpp
6 Dot product of two sparse vectors Python Cpp
7 Range sum of BST Python Cpp
8 Product of array except self Python Cpp
9 Convert BST to sorted doubly linked list Python Cpp
10 Lowest common ancestor of a binary tree Python Cpp
11 LRU Cache Python Cpp
12 Randomize An Array Python Cpp
13 Binary Tree Right Side View Python Cpp
14 Design Browser History Python Cpp
15 Score After Flipping Matrix Python Cpp



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
