
A simple starter kit with Laravel 9, Vue.js 2, TypeScript, Inertia.js and Vite

Primary LanguagePHP

Starter Kit

The fastest way to use Laravel 9 + Vue.js 2 + Vite + InertiaJs + TypeScript


PHP ^8.1 | Node ^18.1 | Composer | Npm/Yarn


  1. Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/WellingtonCarneiroBarbosa/laravel-9-vue-2-typescript-vite-inertia-starter-kit.git laravel-starter

  2. Install the PHP Dependencies composer install

  3. Install the Node Dependencies npm i

  4. Compile the assets npm run dev | npm run build - for production

  5. Setup your .env

  6. Run your server php artisan serv