
Setup of a New Mac

  1. install Homebrew: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. install all brews: brew bundle install --file "src/macos/Brewfile"
  3. run Ansible playbook: ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass src/ansible/setup-macos.yml
  4. install the dotfiles: ./bin/


Creating source files

Any file which matches the shell glob _* will be linked into $HOME as a symlink with the first _ replaced with a .

For example:




I've extended the script to handle .config directory, too. Just create a directory named _config and add files or directories in this directory. Everything inside _config will be symlinked to .config.

Homebrew on macOS

There is a Brewfile generated from/for Homebrew Bundle as described at Thoughtbot's blog.

Update the Brewfile

brew bundle dump --describe --force