
This project demonstrates how to create a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) peripheral and scanner using React Native.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • You have installed Node.js and npm.
  • You have installed React Native CLI.
  • You have a physical device to test (BLE functionality is not supported on simulators).


  1. Clone the repository and navigate into the project directory:

    git clone
    cd bluetooth-peripheral-scanner
  2. Install the project dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Install the necessary BLE libraries:

    npm install --save react-native-ble-plx react-native-peripheral
    # or using yarn
    yarn add react-native-ble-plx react-native-peripheral

Linking Native Dependencies

React Native 0.60 and Above

  1. Enter the ios folder and run:

    cd ios
    pod update
  2. Linking is automatic. Just run pod install in the ios directory:

    pod install

React Native 0.59 and Below

  1. Manually link the react-native-ble-plx and react-native-peripheral libraries:
    react-native link react-native-ble-plx
    react-native link react-native-peripheral

Running the Project


  1. Install CocoaPods if you haven't already:

    sudo gem install cocoapods
  2. Navigate to the ios directory and install the CocoaPods dependencies:

    cd ios
    pod install
    cd ..
  3. Ensure your project is correctly set up by running:

    npx react-native doctor
  4. Validate your Info.plist file:

    plutil /Users/qiwen/Desktop/MyBluetoothProject/ios/MyBluetoothProject/Info.plist
  5. Open the project workspace in Xcode:

    • Open ios/MyBluetoothProject.xcworkspace.
  6. Clean the build folder to avoid any derived data issues:

    rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*
  7. Run the project on your iOS device from Xcode:

    • Select your target device and press the run button, or use:
    npx react-native run-ios


  1. Ensure you have the Android development environment set up.
  2. Run the project using:
    npx react-native run-android