Mortality and Formal Demography. Work hard and be kind.
Australian National UniversityCanberra
WenSu221's Following
- alysonvanraalte
- andreatilstra
- AppliedDemogToolbox
- bhoule13
- blanzaUFMG
- christiandudelMax Planck Institute for Demographic Research
- christina-bohk-ewald
- coreysparksColeridge Initiative
- demographerUniversity of California, Berkeley
- dfeehanBerkeley, California, USA
- edyhsgr
- eehh-stanford
- guyabelUniversity of Hong Kong
- hanase@PPgp, @psrc
- irigrossmanUniversity of Melbourne
- jonesorUniversity of Southern Denmark
- josh-goldstein-git
- jssalvrzDenmark
- kikeacostaCentre d'Estudis DemogrĂ fics (CED)
- konrad-turekNetherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)
- luyin-zUniversity of Oxford; Princeton University
- mathewhauerFlorida State University
- moreno-betancurVictorian Centre for Biostatistics
- mpascariuZurich, Switzerland
- msauerbergWiesbaden, Germany
- ohexelMax Planck Institute for Demographic Research
- p-chungBerkeley, CA
- panchoVG
- polizzan
- PPgpSeattle
- rmcelreathMax Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
- robjhyndmanMonash University
- RyoMogiPompeu Fabra University
- schmertTallahassee, Florida, USA
- tyaSHENThe Australian National University
- vdilegoWittgenstein Center, Vienna Institute of Demography at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (IIASA, OeAW, University of Vienna)