
Pokémon Map Service which shows real-time info of nearby catchable Pokémons

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PokemonGo Map

A Pokémon Map Service which shows real-time info of nearby catchable Pokémons

  • Front-end: HTML/Javascript/CSS/Bing Map, Hosted by Github Pages
  • Back-end: Python, Django/Docker/Postgresql/Redis/Google S2, Hosted by AWS services: Elastic BeanStalk, RDS and SQS
  • Front and Back end Connected through API Gateway
  • Mock crawling apis used only due to legal issues
  • The real crawling api is given by this repo

Back-end architecture

  • Two clusters of servers, one cluster for handling requests, the other for crawling data
  • Two clusters communicate through message queue(AWS SQS)
  • Web-server cluster receives requests, query Redis and Postgresql database for currently catchable pokemons of this area, whcich have already been crawled and put the requests into the message queue
  • Crawler-server cluster get requests from the message queue, do crawling, store crawled data into database and delete expired data periodically
  • Redis is used for deduplication of repeated query: Web-server breaks the requested area to cells using Google S2 and check if the requested cell has already requested several seconds ago, if yes, no need to crawl again
  • Back-end is scalable with Elastic BeanStalk