
UCSD CSE 250A (Probabilistic Reasoning) Tasks

Primary LanguagePython


###UCSD CSE 250A Tasks Principles of Artificial Intelligence: Probabilistic Reasoning and Decision-Making

  • Hangman(Java): A Hangman game, giving next best guess and its probability using Bayes deduction for belief networks

  • Handwritten_Classification(Python): Recognition of handwritten digits 3 and 5 using logistic regression with Newton's method or gradient ascend

  • LWsimulation(Java): Stochastic simulation (likehood weighting) for estimation of a belief network

  • Language_Modeling(Python): Statistical language modeling for unigram, bigram and a mixture model

  • Stock_Prediction(Python): Prediction of the Nasdaq stock market price

  • EM-NoisyOR(Java): Use Expectation Maximum for classification

  • Viterbi(Python): Use Viterbi alogorithm for speech recognition, decoding a sentense from observations, given a Hidden Markov Model

  • Reinforcement_Learning(Python): Use value iteration and policy iteration in reinforcement learning to slove the maze problem