🚀 Quick start

conference Project

conference Project

conference - A minimal conference/chat application

The simple conference Api demonstrates a minimal conference/chat application that allows users to:

Registration and Authentication - Conference/chat Feature

- Register(Add An Attendee)
- Login
- Create A Talk
- Get All Talk
- Update a Talk
- Add Attendee To A Talk


To run this project locally, the follow tools need to be installed:


Clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/wencesJ/conference-backend.git

Move into the project directory and install it's dependencies:

cd conference/
npm install

To start the dev API server run the following command: make sure the config.env file has been created using the config.example file in the /src/libs/config folder.

npm start:dev

For Rapid Developement Use An Api Client eg:


Todo:Api Documentation

Open the source code and start editing!

Your site is now running at http://localhost:5000/api/v1/

Open the conference directory in your code editor of choice and edit files under src. Save your changes and the browser will update in real time!

For working on the repository, you'll have to follow these steps:

1: Fork the repo

2: Create a new branch on the forked repository. The name of the new branch should be issue-<ISSUE NO>.

3: Clone the repository on your system.

4: Work on the new branch and push the code.

5: Create a PR.