
This is DiscordHook, an easy-to-use lua library for connecting ComputerCraft to Discord.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

DiscordHook for ComputerCraft (CC:Tweaked)

This is DiscordHook, an easy-to-use lua library for connecting ComputerCraft to Discord.

You can use this library to easily send messages, images, stories, logs and embeds to a Discord channel of your choice. The messages will be send from a 'bot' user, as this library uses Discord's Webhook feature. Use this to easily log activity around your base, create a chat bridge, allow remote logging or anything else you can think of!

Main features

  • Easy to use
  • Checks if the webhook is reachable
  • Sends normal messages
  • Sends raw JSON messages
  • Sends embeds / rich messages (easy to create!)
  • Allows you to customize the bots name and avatar (per message)

Documentation and instructions

Below I will show or describe the following:

  1. Installation
  2. Creating a Discord Webhook
  3. Using a Discord Webhook with DiscordHook
  4. Examples

1. Installing DiscordHook

To get the library, simply download the lua file by executing the following in your shell:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Wendelstein7/DiscordHook-CC/master/DiscordHook.lua DiscordHook.lua

If you want to use this library as a dependency in a program that you'll distribute, simply make it download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Wendelstein7/DiscordHook-CC/master/DiscordHook.lua directly if the library isn't found.

2. Creating a Discord Webhook

First, make sure you're a moderator or administrator in a Discord server or create a new Discord server. Then, go to the server settings and tap 'Webhooks' on your left bar. Now, click 'Create Webhook' on the top-right. A Webhook is now created for you. It's bound to a specific channel. Copy (use the button) and paste down the webhook url, as you'll need this later in your CC program!

3. Using a Discord Webhook with DiscordHook

First, we must require the program in lua, to be able to access its functions, put this in the beginning of your pogram: (It assumes the DiscordHook.lua file is in the root of your filesystem)

local DiscordHook = require("DiscordHook")

At some point we want to start sending stuff to Discord. Before we can do this, we must first make a webhook object. The createWebhook(<string url>) function will check if the webhook url is valid and reachable. The first return value is boolean success and the second value is either the webhook object if the creation succeeded or string error-message if the creation failed. (For example, when the url was invalid, http is blocked or Discord is ratelimiting your IP)

local success, hook = DiscordHook.createWebhook("https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/... (THE URL YOU GOT FROM DISCORD)")
if not success then
  error("Webhook connection failed! Reason: " .. hook)

-- If the code execution continues here, that means we have the webhook available as it didn't error.

Now, let's send some messages! There are various methods available with one or more arguments. Meanings: <required argument> [optional argument]

-- Sending normal plain good ol' messages:
hook.send(<string message>, [string username], [string avatarurl])

-- If you want to compose the message json yourself:
hook.sendJSON(<string json>)

-- If you want to create a fancy embed:
hook.sendEmbed(<string message>, [string title], [string description], [string hyperlink-url], [number colour], [string image-url], [string thumbnail-url], [string username], [string avatar])

All functions return a boolean - true if the webhook executed without problems or false if the webhook failed (for example, when Discord rejected an invalid embed.)

Note: By Discord's rules, an embed must atleast either have a title or description, but not neccecarily both.

Fill arguments you don't want with nil, for example: hook.sendEmbed("", nil, "Hello!", nil, 0xFF00FF) and hook.send("Hello sir!", nil, "https://example.com/avatar.jpg") will work just fine!

A string for message is always required, but is allowed to be empty ("") when having a valid embed.

4. Examples

Should speak for themselves. Code in test.lua:

local DiscordHook = require("DiscordHook")

local success, hook = DiscordHook.createWebhook("https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/--removed--")
if not success then
    error("Webhook connection failed! Reason: " .. hook)

hook.send("This is just a normal message.", "Your fancy webhook", "https://media.energetic.pw/pm5rod-3pp.jpg")

hook.sendJSON("{ \"content\": \"We're going to have dinner! :pizza:\", \"username\": \"Your beloved mom\", \"avatar_url\": \"https://media.energetic.pw/pm5rsm-cJT.jpg\" }")

hook.sendEmbed("@everyone", "Base Defense System", "An intruder has been detected! User **'HydroNitrogen'** has entered private airspace at `123, 100, 321`! Please send defensive units out now!", nil, 0xFF0000, nil, "https://media.energetic.pw/pm5s32-c9z.png", "Base Defence System", "https://media.energetic.pw/pm5sfo-82l.jpg")

print("So far we've send " .. hook.sentMessages .. " messages succesfully!")

Output in CC:

shell output

Output in Discord:

Discord output