
This project apply the Gibbs sampling and mean field methods to compute the inference and MAP inference

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This project applies three methods to compute MAP inference and posterior inference

  1. the Gibbs sampling
  2. mean field methods to compute the inference and .
  3. In addition, the exact results are computed by the variable elimination method through Jupyter Notebook. ============================================================================== Code and report of ["Bayesian_Approximate_Inference"]


The proposed method is implemented through Jupyter Notebook. The required packages include:

  • Matlab
  • Python 3
  • Jupyter Notebook

Getting started

  1. modify the path by the lcoation of the files in the folder of 'dataset';
  2. Run the function of 'Gibbs_sampling' 'mean_field' of the matlab codes;
  3. The 'Variable Elimination' method is in the Jupyter file of 'Proj1'

Bayesian Network

Gibbs ALgorithm

Mean Field algorithm
