Wendy Olsen's research focuses on the sociology of economic life. She has interests in quantitative methods, qualitative research and discourse analysis.
University of Manchester @SocialStatsManManchester UK
Pinned Repositories
This repository holds code and figures as well as appendix material for papers combining-cmie-itus-data. The papers look at time-use of women and men in India during a period 2019-2020 when a tertile (4-month interval) survey, CMIE was used to augment the Indian Time-Use Survey of 2019. Both used large national samples, which had a multi-stage clustered and stratified selection procedure. The CMIE however did not have lists of village or town residents except insofar as they created such lists. Therefore, their sampling method was different at the final stage within the final sampled geographic units.
Labour, Gender and Work in North India During the COVID Period
Excessive Working Hours of Child Labourers Using Indian Time-Use Data of 2019, by Jihye Kim (University of Manchester) and Wendy Olsen, keywords Time-use, India, employment, gender, child labour, harmful forms of work, extreme exploitation, working hours, ILO, exploitation
Fuzzy Set Goodness of Fit
Bayesian statistics for social scientists, a four-part Introduction with Exercises
Help for Randomised Control Trials in Social Contexts, with Mixed Methods (2025)
The files help any reader to emulate, copy or develop the simulation carried out in Chaudhary, et al.'s 2024 paper about the ICSE (2018) classification as applied in India.
Predicting Child Labour Risks by Norms in India, by Jihye Kim, Wendy Olsen, and Arkadiusz Wiśniowski in the journal Work, Employment and Society 2022
A 2022 Tutorial for Statistics Users about Indian Youths Working, Focused on Spatial Regression Methods
WendyOlsen's Repositories
Fuzzy Set Goodness of Fit
A 2022 Tutorial for Statistics Users about Indian Youths Working, Focused on Spatial Regression Methods
Bayesian statistics for social scientists, a four-part Introduction with Exercises
Help for Randomised Control Trials in Social Contexts, with Mixed Methods (2025)
The files help any reader to emulate, copy or develop the simulation carried out in Chaudhary, et al.'s 2024 paper about the ICSE (2018) classification as applied in India.
This holds various code chunks for analysing Asian barometers data for 2019, India only.
This repository holds code and figures as well as appendix material for papers combining-cmie-itus-data. The papers look at time-use of women and men in India during a period 2019-2020 when a tertile (4-month interval) survey, CMIE was used to augment the Indian Time-Use Survey of 2019. Both used large national samples, which had a multi-stage clustered and stratified selection procedure. The CMIE however did not have lists of village or town residents except insofar as they created such lists. Therefore, their sampling method was different at the final stage within the final sampled geographic units.
Labour, Gender and Work in North India During the COVID Period
The entropy of an ordinal variable is handled both through logical and philosophical statements, and two competing encodings. We test for the impact of the cumulative encoding on entropy and regressions. Results were presented at Royal Statistical Society 2024 and British Society for Population Studies, 2024. Open source code, subject to change.
Ordinal Inputs in A Social Data Science Context: Entropy, Ontic, and Statistical Options
Excessive Working Hours of Child Labourers Using Indian Time-Use Data of 2019, by Jihye Kim (University of Manchester) and Wendy Olsen, keywords Time-use, India, employment, gender, child labour, harmful forms of work, extreme exploitation, working hours, ILO, exploitation
Excessive and Hazardous Child Labour in Kenya: A two-level statistical analysis, By Wendy Olsen and Giuseppe Maio Affiliations: Wendy Olsen, University of Manchester. Giuseppe Maio, Impact Cubed & Trilateral Research, Journal article in Development in Practice, 2022.
Predicting Child Labour Risks by Norms in India, by Jihye Kim, Wendy Olsen, and Arkadiusz Wiśniowski in the journal Work, Employment and Society 2022
Systematic Mixed Methods Research for Social Scientists Annex of Practical Techniques
India's gender divide in digital access. A paper submitted to Gender and Society (journal) 2024.
Code chunks for paper in 2024 about 2014-2022 Internet and PC access of Indian people.