
Simple Go program which demonstrate making HTTP request call against an API endpoint and also handling the request's response.

Primary LanguageGo


Simple Go program which demonstrate making HTTP request call against an API endpoint and also handling the request's response.

How to run the sample

  • Ensure that you have setup GoLang in your machine.

  • Ensure that you have setup $GOPATH environment variable. Refer to this if you have not setup it.

  • Run this command to get this source code: go get github.com/wendysanarwanto/go-http-interface. The source code will be placed in $GOPATH/src/github.com/wendysanarwanto/go-http-interface directory.

  • Build the source code by running this command: go build -o $GOPATH/bin/go-http-interface github.com/wendysanarwanto/go-http-interface. After running the comand, the compiled binary file will be placed inside $GOPATH/bin path.

  • Run the compiled binary by running this command: go-http-interface