Hey what is up, everybody! Here I'll be posting all the code from my new Android series! Hope you enjoy and find it useful!
#Part 1 - Let's build an Android AI App with OpenCV https://youtu.be/lGtUA5wz0tk
#Part 2 - Compile Android Studio with OpenCV https://youtu.be/7J4b0Djcips
#Part 3 - Launch OpenCV camera view and actually build our first app that processes frames! https://youtu.be/20q-rZzNROY
#Part 4 - OpenCV Edge Detection in Android Studio & Creating Buttons https://youtu.be/5nQCyacyM4w
#Part 5 - Run TensorFlow, PyTorch, Darknet, Caffe Neural Nets on Android With OpenCV https://youtu.be/-e76BQfUNFc
#Part 6 - Run YOLOv3 on Android with OpenCV (Custom Trained YOLO too) https://youtu.be/JasVghcUeyg