CVPR2023 - Rethinking Federated Learning with Domain Shift: A Prototype View
- chenxinli001The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- CSJDeveloperToronto
- EndarzboyUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
- GuanchengWanWuhan university
- haoranDUK
- HchhhCS,WuHan University
- JiahuaDongShenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- JiayiChen815Xi'an, China
- lihe404
- liuxiao-guan
- LoLolobsterCS, Wuhan University
- noparkeeNAVER Corp.
- Onaaaa
- OrienfishUniversity of California, San Diego
- poipoipoi233Zhejiang University of Technology
- ray-ruisunNewcastle University
- rstanjieyiWuhan University
- saysthz
- Shubao-ZhaoJackTang
- shunxinguo
- Sprinter1999AMD
- syshensyshenshanghai
- Tam-JQK
- tbszlg@worldcoin
- tdye24ECNU
- WenkeHuangWuhan University
- wenqsunThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- wgc-research
- White1973HKUST
- whuhxb
- XXiaoY
- YixuanTao
- yuhangchen0Wuhan University
- zekunshi
- ZhouZhongao
- zza234sNCEPU