
Repository for combinatorial optimization using GNNs

Primary LanguagePython

Towards a General Recipe for Combinatorial Optimization with Multi-Filter GNNs

Accepted as Spotlight at Learning on Graphs (LoG) 2024




For conda, using the environment.yml file:

conda env create -f environment.yml

For pip, using requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Alternatively, you can install the packages manually via conda:

conda create -n copt python=3.10
conda activate copt

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia -y
conda install pyg -c pyg
conda install pytorch-scatter pytorch-sparse pytorch-cluster pytorch-spline-conv -c pyg
# might need to install latest torch-sparse via pip instead
pip install git+https://github.com/rusty1s/pytorch_sparse.git
conda install lightning -c conda-forge
pip install yacs einops loguru dwave-networkx ogb performer-pytorch wandb

Quick start

This codebase is built on top of PyG GraphGym, and uses configuration files to run experiments. The default GCON configurations are found in configs/benchmarks/{TASK_NAME}. E.g., to run GCON for MCut on BA-small:

python main.py --cfg configs/benchmarks/maxclique/maxclique_rb_small.yaml

To use the non-decoupled architecture, override the gcon layer in the default config with the hybridconv convolution:

python main.py --cfg configs/benchmarks/maxclique/maxclique_rb_small.yaml gnn.layer_type=hybridconv

The Erdos' GNN configurations are denoted with an -erdos suffix:

python main.py --cfg configs/benchmarks/maxclique/maxclique_rb_small-erdos.yaml

To use Erdos' GNN with entropy annealing, use the optim.entropy.enable flag:

python main.py --cfg configs/benchmarks/maxclique/maxclique_rb_small-erdos.yaml optim.entropy.enable=True

You can use your WandB account for logging by setting wandb.entity to your own entity. You can also use local-only logging by setting wandb.use=False.


If you find this work useful, please cite our paper:

      title={Towards a General GNN Framework for Combinatorial Optimization}, 
      author={Frederik Wenkel and Semih Cantürk and Michael Perlmutter and Guy Wolf},