
This repository is for CSE 110 project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Language grade: Python Language grade: JavaScript


FTP (Furniture Trade Platform)


To assist your development, recommend have the following development tools:

Deploy on localhost from noting

Clone from github
  1. clone from https://github.com/WenlinMao/cse110-project using git clone https://github.com/WenlinMao/cse110-project.git
  2. input username and password for github if asked
Set up flask for Backend
  1. navigate to source/flask
  2. run python3 -m venv venv to create an empty virtual environment
  3. activate virtual using . venv/bin/activate
  4. within virtual environment run pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. run python3 application.py and make sure there is no error
Set up React.js for Frontend
  1. open a new terminal and remain application.py executed
  2. navigate to source/react
  3. download the newest npm through https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm
  4. use npm -v to check if npm has installed
  5. run npm install to install all packages
  6. run npm run start to start to frontend server
  7. click OK if your computer ask for permission
  8. our website will be automatically opened in Chrome (or your default browser)

p.s: Currently, our website only works with Chrome. If it opens in other browsers, please just copy the url and put it in Chrome.


  • Sometimes uploading image takes longer than page loading due to the speed of AWS S3. Please wait a few seconds after adding new furniture or new user. If the newly added furniture or user still doesn't load, please try to wait a few seconds and refresh the page.
  • Sometimes pymongo will throw timeout error. This is because of the poor network connection. Try switch to another wifi and try again.
  • All error output can be viewed in Chrome or flask prompts. Please try to fix bugs refer to the error message.
  • If there are any other problems, please try to reinstall react or flask on the devises.

Test Data

  • Account 1:
username: xxxxxx
email: xxxxxx@ucsd.edu
address: xxxxman dr.
password: Xxxxxx123!
  • Account 2:
username: Testxxxxxx
email: w6mao@ucsd.edu
address: Peterson Hall
password: Wenlin1997@

Video Demo

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hTTqTOZBfY&t=76s