
Full Stack MERN CRUD Project - image sharing web application that enables features like saving and sharing daily events with pictures, texts, and tags as well as exploration of other's posts in the form of image grid.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a full stack CRUD project using MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js.


  • Login/Signup/Google login
  • Upload images
  • Sharing images/texts/tags
  • Saving other's shared images
  • Author may see the number of saves (only visible to the author who post it)
  • Save personal images/texts/tags (will not be shared in Home)
  • Image Grid

Modules Used

  • material-ui
  • react-router-dom
  • react-redux
  • jwt-decode
  • jsonwebtoken
  • bcryptjs
  • mongoose
  • express

Web App Demo

Computer Version
forgettable_computer (3)

Mobile Version
forgettable_mobile (3)

Local Installation Guide

  • Software Version Requirements:
    • npm v6.14.11
    • node v14.16.0
    • MongoDB v4.4.1
  • git clone https://github.com/WenrrrBeth/forgettable.git
  • cd client && npm install && cd .. && cd server && npm install && cd ..
  • create your own .env file in both front end and back end following .env.example file
  • to start react app, make sure to npm start in both client folder, and server folder