Name: Yihan Wang

Part 2:

2.1 Setup

OS Windows 11 21H2
Laptop Mi Notebook Pro 15.6
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz

2.2 Installing the Toolchain

To build you will need to install some extra tools:
ARM GNU Toolchain
Build Tools for Visal Studio 2022
Python 3.10

2.3 Setup SDK

          C:\Users\pico\Downloads> git clone -b master
          C:\Users\pico\Downloads> cd pico-sdk
          C:\Users\pico\Downloads\pico-sdk> git submodule update --init
          C:\Users\pico\Downloads\pico-sdk> cd ..
          C:\Users\pico\Downloads> git clone -b master

2.4 Building "Hello World" from Visual Studio Code

Download the Visual Studio Code from:
Install the CMake Tools extension:

Type (Ctrl + Shift + X), and search for "CMake Tools". Install CMake Tools s7

and configure Cmake : Configure Environment as follow: s1

Also scroll down to "Cmake: Generator" and enter "NMake Makefiles" into the box:

Go to the File menu and click on "Open Folder" and navigate to pico-examples and select folder: s8

Select "GCC for arm-none-eabi" for the compiler and click on the "Build" button in the blue bottom bar. Build successful like follow:

2.5 Running "Hello World"

Dragged-and-dropped hello_usb.uf2 from C:\Users\pico-examples\build\hello_world\usb onto a RP2040 board.
Install PuTTY. Run it, and select "Serial", enter 115,200 as the baud ratein the "Speed" box as follow: s4
and the serial port that the UART converter is using, which can be found as follow:
Then click open. The UART output from the Raspberry Pi Pico will appear Terminal window: