🚀PUT Poznan Simple Ground Rocket Project
- Arduino Pro Mini ATMega328 AVR
- Some remote igniter like spark plug with relay
- Mini power bank or AA Baterry pack
- GY-BMP 280 - pressure, height and temperature sensor
- SD Card adapter for saving flight log data
- at least 1GB SD card
- and last, but not least - rocket base with fuel tank and aerospike nozzle (probably most of it will be 3D printed or CNC cutted)
- Vue app with launching button and some basic information like electronics chamber temperature (to prevent eletronics failure)
- Embedded Arduino basic logger and launching app
Tests will be carried out in the horizontal position of the rocket. It will be attached to e.g. a skateboard to prevent excessive wear or damage to the electronics.
- Parametres & other useful information: https://openrocket.info/
- Rocketry Ardunio Hub: https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/projects/tags/rocketry
- Integza (this guy created lots of different rockets, so there is a lot information to rely on): https://www.youtube.com/c/Integza/videos