
SSY235 project

Primary LanguageC++

laundryman SSY235 project

Installation guide

Clone this repo to a catkin workspace

Change camera resolution:

In simulation_ws/src/tiago_robot/tiago_description/urdf/sensors/openni.gazebo.xacro

Change the camera resolution to 1920x1080 to get a stable aruco detection and pose estimation.

Install SLAM map

cp -r path/to/laundryman/map $HOME/.pal

Install libtorch

curl https://download.pytorch.org/libtorch/cpu/libtorch-cxx11-abi-shared-with-deps-1.7.1%2Bcpu.zip

unzip it in the laundryman root dir

Run simulation with tables, cubes and the robot model

roslaunch laundryman laundryman.launch

Run navigation + Rviz + aruco detection + rosprolog

roslaunch laundryman navigation.launch

Run the CNN node

rosrun laundryman vision_node

Run motion control

rosrun laundryman motion_control_node

control the robot manually

rostopic pub /move_to_bucket std_msgs/UInt32 "data: 0" --once

change the 0 to 0, 1, 2, 3 to select tables

Run the laundry sorting process

rosrun laundryman main_node