
Extensions manager for Mob Arena. Add support for more plugins and add more functionality. Formerly coded by @SaitDev

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Mob Arena Extension

Extend the functionality of Mob Arena by using pre-coded extensions, or code one yourself with provided API.

Getting Started

  • Download the plugin from releases
  • Install the plugin (into your /plugins/ folder of course)
  • Enable wanted extension in config.yml


Command Description
/mae list list installed extensions
/mae reload (extension) reload extension(s)
/mae enable (extension) enable extension(s)
/mae disable (extension) disable extension(s)

* Manipulates all of registered extensions if none is specified.



Mythic mobs can be spawned in arena by using their name instead of entity types in MobArena/waves.yml


Placeholder Description
%mobarena_total_enabled% amount of arenas enabled
%mobarena_arena_name% name of arena that player is in
%mobarena_arena_wave% current wave number of the arena
%mobarena_arena_wave_final% the final wave number of the arena
%mobarena_arena_mobs% amount of mobs alive in arena
%mobarena_arena_players_alive% amount of players alive
%mobarena_arena_players_dead% amount of players dead
%mobarena_arena_players% total number of players
%mobarena_arena_statistic_(statName)% player statistic fetched from Mob Arena

Available statistics:

  • kills -- amount of mob kills the player has
  • dmgDone -- amount of damage the player has done
  • dmgTaken -- amount of damage the player has taken
  • swings -- I have no idea, try it out
  • hits -- amount of hits? I guess?
  • lastWave -- don't know


If in chat isolated arena, messages wont be sent to discord.


Send commands on different Arena events. Examples in config.yml

Known Issues

  • MythicMobs allows using some non-living entities (armor stand for ex.), which MobArena does not allow.
  • Adding, renaming or removing mobs in MythicMobs wont get synced into MobArena, you should restart the server.
  • Using similar mythic mob name is not compatible, like Hero brine, hero-brine, Hero brines.
  • This is a bug from MythicMob itself, when mob A spawn a minion B --> B has parent that is A. This is intended behaviour, but when using skill Summon without radius or with radius = 0, A wont be B's parent. Always use summon radius higher than 0 if you plan to use that in MobArena.

Extension API

Extend Extension, implement required methods and register it somewhere using YourExtension().register().