- AshStranger
- BirgerevScuttled Tech AB
- bmstefanski@Afimudu
- ByteListEmmrich Solutions
- Chasewhip8Boise, ID
- Colink02Central,USA
- DaddyElf
- DrkMatr1984Volunteer Java Programmer
- Eyremba
- hafarookiNew Jersey Institute of Technology
- hugo4715France
- JarvisCraft@ozonru @ozontech
- joestrLEEB Balkone GmbH
- jojoe77777
- JustBru00Rufus Brubaker Refrigeration
- JustDJplease
- KernelFreezeEufonia Studio
- kingdevnl127.0.0.1
- KowagatteCameco Corporation
- lucemans@ENSdomains & @V3XLabs
- MagentaRuby
- maximus-f
- MiniDiggerCologne, Germany
- NatfanUniversity of Reading
- prozhong
- RushmeadUnited Kingdom
- SamB440United Kingdom
- ScarszLas Vegas, NV
- seanc¯\_⎝ᵔ⍊ᵔ⎠_/¯
- Shortninja66TheAura
- Snow-PyonArgentina, Chaco
- tchristoffersonWorld Travel Holdings
- tomo1560
- toropov023@focus21inc
- Tux2United States of America
- zedwick