
App Description: A clone of chat application namely Slack. It is a full fledged and professional looking ready to publish app on Appstore. It allows first time user to register by providing unique username, email and password along with selection of Avatar and Avatar's Background color; login using registered email and password, participate in channels available for chat, create new channel by adding users, perform live chat with other users of this app, can even logout, and so on. • Built using Xcode 9, Swift 4, Cocoa pods, node.js, MongoDB, Heroku, Postman, etc. for iOS 11 based iPhones and iPads. • Local Frameworks used includes Foundation, UIKit and other API's like Alamofire, SwiftyJSON, SocketIO, REST, SWReveal, etc. • Demonstrated the use of Networking in iOS. • Implemented Web Request creation in Xcode using UIKit, APIs, node.js and Mongo dB online. • Implemented Web service API hosting online using Heroku and local hosting using Postman. • Implemented user creation and real time talking using Socket Technology through SocketIO library. • Implemented Web Service for User Registration, Authentication & Login, Channels Creation & display, fetching, sending and saving text messages and many more. • Implemented Table Views, Collection Views & custom design of their cells using data models. • Implemented side menu for the display of user profile and channels using SWReveal and Gradient color design code for providing gradient color background to this side menu. • Implemented creation of two XIB's for Channels creation and profile view’s popUp. • Implemented SegmentedControl for displaying 28 Dark and Light Avatar displays and code for generating Avatar’s background color on user registration screen. • Implemented Input Accessory View for Text field. • In all designed around eight View Controllers and their corresponding storyboard file for GUI design, Four Services, two custom cells, seven view files, two model files and lots of assets and so on.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

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