
An example showing pipeline between OpenCV and TensorRT inference, and some pre/post-process utilities.

Primary LanguageC++

[T]ensor[RT] with OpenCV

libtrt: A example wrapper for inferencing using TensorRT with OpenCV GpuMat as input.

libdnn: Class Yolov8 and Resnet with dynamic batch size model based on libtrt to predict OpenCV GpuMat(s).

Tested Environment

Quick start

Building Library

cmake -B build .
cmake --build build --parallel

Install Library

sudo cmake --install build --prefix /opt/trt # use prefix to install where you want


build/yolov8_single model/yolov8.trt 20231212-161000.740_00_126.jpg output.jpg
build/resnet_single model/512-model-fp16.trt 20240114-041024.091_00_126_6_0.jpg output.jpg