Hello! This is the Empeople.com Unofficial API or EmUAPI for short. Right now functionality is limited, it can only call data from the site. I'm planning on adding the ability to post data to the site, but that is a bit more complicated to do. For now though, this will help you grab data from the site, until an official api is created. Without further adieu here's the limited documentation! Note: After these basic functions, all new things will be documented in comments in the actual code. getAllTopics() This returns a list of all topic dictionaries Usage: import emuapi print(emuapi.getAllTopics()[0]['name']) Out: Welcome to Empeopled getAllTopicKeys() This returns a list of all keys that can be used with an element that was returned from getAllTopics() the 'name' in the previous example was a key Usage: import emuapi print(emuapi.getAllTopicKeys()) Out: "Too many things for me to put here, just print it yourself!" getTopicSID(topic) This returns the sid (int) of a topic (string) that is passed in. Usage: import emuapi print(emuapi.getTopicSID('Technology')) Out: 368 getAllTopicNames() Returns a list of all names usable in getTopicSID() getTopicFeed(topic, pageNumber) Returns a list of all posts on the pageNumber (int) of a topic (string) Usage: import emuapi print(emuapi.getTopicFeed('Technology', 1)[0]['title']) Out: Welcome to Empeopled getFeedKeys() Returns a list of all keys that can be used to access info from the posts returned by getTopicFeed() Usage: Just print it. You've got this.