Data Engineering on GCP

Data Engineering on GCP

Some choices in this project

  • Python
  • Terraform
  • Docker
  • Apache Pyspark
  • Apache Airflow
  • GCP


This project uses the titanic dataset as an example.


This project involves the implementation of the following examples.

  1. A function triggered from a pub/sub event and stores the data into raw data lake zone.
  2. An airflow pipeline with a dataproc cluster that will process the file and save it in the data lake processing zone. This step will create two dataset file (passengers.parquet, tickets.parquet)
  3. A function triggered from a bucket storage event and stores the data into Bigquery.
  4. An airflow pipeline that will load the data from the data lake processing zone to the Bigquery.

Create Service Account and Roles

  1. IAM & Admin -> Service Accounts -> ADD
  2. Role
    • BigQuery Admin
    • Cloud Functions Admin
    • Cloud Functions Service Agent
    • Dataproc Administrator
    • Service Account User
    • Pub/Sub Admin
    • Editor

After setting up the roles, save the key JSON in the config folder. Rename the key file to 'service-account.json'

How to execute - docker project

docker build -t westerley/docker-airflow:2.0.1 .
docker-compose -f docker-compose-CeleryExecutor.yml up -d --build


  • Conn Id: name of connection, use this ID in your dag definition files
  • Conn Type: select the Google Cloud
  • Keyfile Path: local file path to the JSON keyfile's
  • Project id: corresponds to the project that your service account belongs to
  • Scopes: it is recommended to use