
This repository contains the datasets used as part of the OC2 lab's work on Student Performance prediction and student engagement prediction in eLearning environments using machine learning methods.

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This repository contains the datasets used as part of the OC2 lab's work on Student Performance prediction and student engagement prediction in eLearning environments using machine learning methods.

This repository contains 4 folders:

  • Student Performance Prediction - Binary Scenario: Contains the dataset and description used as part of our work to predict student performance using binary ML models.
  • Student Performance Prediction - Multiclass Case: Contains the dataset and description used as part of our work to predict student performance using multiclass ML models.
  • Student Engagement Level Prediction - Binary Case: Contains the dataset and description used as part of our work to predict student engagement using binary ML models.
  • Student Engagement Level Prediction - Multiclass Case: Contains the dataset and description used as part of our work to predict student engagement using multiclass ML models.

Contact Information:

Feel free to contact us for any questions or collaboration opportunities.

Dr. MohammadNoor Injadat: minjadat@uwo.ca

Dr. Abdallah Moubayed: amoubaye@uwo.ca

Dr. Abdallah Shami: ashami2_at_uwo.ca