An Unofficial Pytorch Implementation of MVSNet

MVSNet: Depth Inference for Unstructured Multi-view Stereo. Yao Yao, Zixin Luo, Shiwei Li, Tian Fang, Long Quan. ECCV 2018. MVSNet is a deep learning architecture for depth map inference from unstructured multi-view images.

This is an unofficial Pytorch implementation of MVSNet

How to Use


  • python 3.6 (Anaconda)
  • pytorch 1.0.1


  • Download the preprocessed DTU training data (Fixed training cameras, from Original MVSNet), and upzip it as the MVS_TRANING folder
  • in, set MVS_TRAINING as your training data path
  • create a logdir called checkpoints
  • Train MVSNet: ./


  • Download the preprocessed test data DTU testing data (from Original MVSNet) and unzip it as the DTU_TESTING folder, which should contain one cams folder, one images folder and one pair.txt file.
  • in, set DTU_TESTING as your testing data path and CKPT_FILE as your checkpoint file. You can also download my pretrained model.
  • Test MVSNet: ./


in, I implemented a simple version of depth map fusion. Welcome contributions to improve the code.

Results on DTU

Acc. Comp. Overall.
MVSNet(D=256) 0.396 0.527 0.462
PyTorch-MVSNet(D=192) 0.4492 0.3796 0.4144

Due to the memory limit, we only train the model with D=192, the fusion code is also different from the original repo.