
Our contribution to GitHub's month-long game jam :video_game: November 2016

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Immolation Organization

Eli Bradley doing a live stream of Immolation Organization.

This banner was taken from our live stream on November 28th, hosted by our lead programmer, where he overviewed the codebase and played the game for viewers. Be sure to to watch it prerecorded at https://youtu.be/lQOQ3nmBHog!

Our Submission

We are the Westlake Accessible Programming Club, a team of high-schoolers interested in the development of everything from games to kernels in the high-level language Swift. We're excited this year to take the entire month of November to create a game loosely based on the theme hacking, modding and/or augmenting for the developer services company GitHub's annual game development competition, the Game Off.

In our submission, you control a federally commissioned team to moderate a cluster of bad guys working for the CIA to lower their sentences, which hack away at evil robots and aliens, the bad guys being a user-controlled SpriteKit particle effect. Pretty much, it's just an insanely enormous and chaotic rendition of DC Comics' Suicide Squad.

How to build

To build our app on a macOS 10.12 environment with Xcode 8 and Cocoapods, first install the Cocoapods dependencies.

pod install

Then, use the xcrun command line tool as follows, to compile an intermediate binary:

xcrun xcodebuild \
  -scheme iOS \
  -workspace GameOff.xcworkspace \
  -configuration Debug \
  -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 7 Plus,OS=10.0'

Then, just launch Simulator and run Immolation Organization.

How to play

In Immolation Organization, you moderate a mob of baddies with the intent of hacking away at and destroying alien spacecrafts! You do so by pointing at and touching places for the mob to travel. They'll always deteriorate and diminish the spacecrafts, but depending on who's bigger, the mob or the spacecrafts, they will either enlarge or shrink.

How to participate

  • Sign up for a free personal account if you don't already have one.
  • Fork this repository to your personal account (or to a free organization account).
  • Clone the repository on your computer and build your game.
  • Push your game source code to your forked repository before Dec 1st.
  • Update the README.md file to include a description of your game, how/where to play/download it, how to build/compile it, what dependencies it has, etc.
  • Submit your final game using this form.


We used many other tools and creative works to build Immolation Organization.

Creative Work Copyright Owner License
Fiber2D Andrey Volodin BSD Simplified
GotItem.mp3 Kastenfrosch CC-0 (Public Domain)
Odyssey Kevin MacLeod CC-BY-3.0

It's dangerous to go alone

If you're new to Git, GitHub, or version control

  • Git Documentation - everything you need to know about version control, and how to get started with Git.
  • GitHub Help - everything you need to know about GitHub.
  • Questions about GitHub? Please contact their Support team and they'll be delighted to help you.
  • Questions specific to the GitHub Game Off? Please create an issue. This will be the official FAQ.

The official Twitter hashtag for the Game Off is #ggo16. We look forward to playing with your creations.

GLHF! <3