
Westfront PC Source Code

Primary LanguageBASIC

Westfront PC

This was passed to me via email back in 2006.

My original intent was to port this to something more modern an attempt to preserve it.

I never got around to it, but after I recently learned that Paul had passed, I thought it was important to post this.

This is written in Powerbasic

Below is the original README file.


The main source file for Westfront PC is: WFTST.BAS

This MAY change in the future, but it will always be the FIRST source code file (.BAS) in the archive!!!

Any questions or comments, please contact me: dunric@yahoo.com

Also on ICQ(UIN#): 12234336

Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/dunric/westfront.html


Paul Panks (Dunric) dunric@yahoo.com October 1, 2000